The Sony HMD is real!

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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by android78 »

brantlew wrote:...At $800 a pop, I would prefer to wait for a second iteration before I would consider buying it.
The problem is that if everyone does that, there won't be a second iteration. I'm not getting one myself as I am really waiting for something like the lumus glasses since I think they would have much more use to me. If they can sort out the FOV issue, then it'd be great.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by Dom »

I'm most likely getting a sony hmz-t1 to replace my projector and i am getting a 3dtv too. My plans anyway. Whats more about VR is that in the current state its not supposed to be comfortable. Wearing like all the equipment is quite a strain, but its something that your body should over come. Your only supposed to watch or play a game for an hour or 45 minutes then take a 15 minute break, ERSB i think?

If you got the room just make a CAVE room system which would probably be better anyhow, you could use your basment or a dedicated CAVE gaming room. Especially if you don't want to sit down and do VR.

Most electronics get smaller and better after the first introduction set comes out.

Sure the fov and other small things could be better, but HMD's are just coming out again so we should be encouraging them not matter how they are and like the idea that other people are buying them since most people in their 20's and such, this is the very best for them even the new stereo3d tech monitors and wireless glasses.

The best thing to do would be to get a bunch of VR players like here to email the crap out of sony or their favorite company and enforce them to bring out something thats worthwhile.

Sony revolves around sony and i don't even think they want their hmd to work on computers, its just a mandatory compliance with hdmi 1.4a, and they probably want to sell these things to teenagers with small faces and limitless energy. My System specs In HTML


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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by SpankyDeluxe »

Hi guys, I've been following this thread and the one over at AVS for a while. I've been umping and ahhing for ages trying to decide whether to get one of these (well get the better half to get one for me for Christmas). I went to the Sony section in Harrods a few days ago (pretty much the only place that has a demo unit in the UK) to try one on. I think I've decided I'm going to pass on it though.

While the 3D effect is probably the most realistic I've ever seen, the screens are just too small. My friend who came with me said the same thing. The headset itself feels cheaply built and one case of slippery fingers would easily result in a busted unit. The sliders on the bottom for focussing are particularly archaic - no fine adjustments possible and it takes a lot of force to switch between settings. Although the FOV is less than I'd sit from my TV, it's about the same as my computer monitor is (30" at ~2.5') although because of all the black around the image (obviously a good thing), the image appears much smaller. It feels like looking through a tunnel.

I've wanted to build a VR system for years and the HMZ-T1 seemed like it might be the first unit with the necessary specs but in practice it's not immersive enough for VR in my opinion. It's clearly not designed for VR anyway what with the lack of a gyro and head tracking but obviously Sony aren't going to add tech that their consoles can't support.

It seems VR is being held back by more than technology at the moment though anyway - after having read into TrackIR's grip on things and the lack of interest from game developers, it doesn't look particularly hopeful. I'd really hoped that MMORPGs would have some good hooks for support. I imagine that a virtual world with actual people in would be the best natural choice for a VR setup - i.e. WoW but from what I've seen people mention, mouse emulation leads to a disjointed and un-immersive experience anyway.

One thing I would add though for people on the fence, having read recent posts here about potential price drops etc - the man I spoke to in Harrods said that there were only 250 expected for the UK total. Not 250 units this quarter or anything but 250 units ever. It's a limited run concept product and is not being mass produced so once they're sold out, that's it. Of course, if it sells out as quickly as it appears to be doing then there may well be an HMZ-T2 next year, who knows.

Personally, I hope that third parties can get access to these types of OLED displays and start producing some real competition more aimed at the PC VR gamer market - bigger FOV, built in gyros and maybe even 1080p with the suitable DVI-DL connections.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ancjob »

brantlew wrote:From all I have read it seems that after the initial excitement wears off, the lasting impression of the thing is how difficult it is to adjust and how uncomfortable it is. To me the design and build quality of this thing seem piss-poor - an afterthought. It does have fantastic screens, but other than that - the horrible aesthetics, heavy weight, poor balance, flimsy plastic, gigantic converter box, etc.. just make this seem like an unfinished product. At $800 a pop, I would prefer to wait for a second iteration before I would consider buying it.

seems Sony suffers from same issues that plagued headplay [great screens - bad optics,heavy difficult to adjust,bulky control box]...

i'd still consider sony as upgrade to headplay - becoz of oled and greater FOV....and it can be immersive with light blocking shield....for 2d....3d i'd NOT even bother!

Wanna make the ultimate HMD - get Sony to collaborate with eMagin and have the eMagin OLEDs replaced with Sony OLEDs and also add HDMI input in control box in the SAME form factor! and you have winner all the are u listening....? :D
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by cybereality »

You guys don't get it do you? If we don't buy products like this, then there is not going to be a newer/better model. Sony will take it as a failed experiment. And other big name companies won't waste the effort if it looks like a competitor lost a bunch of money. And smaller players, like Vuzix, might not even stick around (or might go military contract only). If you want VR to actually happen in any reasonable amount of time, then you have to support the companies that are pushing the medium forward.

Just a few months ago, people were complaining how the 1200VR was only 35 degrees FOV, and that they wanted something bigger. Why couldn't a company make an HD headset, or something without washed-out colors. Something affordable. Now that headset has arrived and no one wants it. Some irony.

No, you cannot buy the HMZ-T1 (or 1200VR, for that matter) and jack into the matrix today. But these products bring us small steps closer to that dream. And in order to realize that dream, you guys have to follow where the path leads every step of the way. You can't just sit around waiting for you dreams to happen. That doesn't work. You have to make them happen.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ancjob »

cybereality wrote:You guys don't get it do you? If we don't buy products like this, then there is not going to be a newer/better model. Sony will take it as a failed experiment. And other big name companies won't waste the effort if it looks like a competitor lost a bunch of money. And smaller players, like Vuzix, might not even stick around (or might go military contract only). If you want VR to actually happen in any reasonable amount of time, then you have to support the companies that are pushing the medium forward.

Just a few months ago, people were complaining how the 1200VR was only 35 degrees FOV, and that they wanted something bigger. Why couldn't a company make an HD headset, or something without washed-out colors. Something affordable. Now that headset has arrived and no one wants it. Some irony.

No, you cannot buy the HMZ-T1 (or 1200VR, for that matter) and jack into the matrix today. But these products bring us small steps closer to that dream. And in order to realize that dream, you guys have to follow where the path leads every step of the way. You can't just sit around waiting for you dreams to happen. That doesn't work. You have to make them happen.

yeah cyber - i do not have anything against the sony HMDs....i still consider as a great upgrade to likes of headplay or even emagin....but the ergonomics reffered to by other reviewers bother me...

things said like [bulky,difficult to adjust,huge control box] those relate exactly to headplay......and i am not want another headplay with being cautious

still do we have anything better ? - only SONY HMD...that's it ! love it or hate it your choice....
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by SpankyDeluxe »

cybereality wrote:You guys don't get it do you? If we don't buy products like this, then there is not going to be a newer/better model. Sony will take it as a failed experiment. And other big name companies won't waste the effort if it looks like a competitor lost a bunch of money. And smaller players, like Vuzix, might not even stick around (or might go military contract only). If you want VR to actually happen in any reasonable amount of time, then you have to support the companies that are pushing the medium forward.

Just a few months ago, people were complaining how the 1200VR was only 35 degrees FOV, and that they wanted something bigger. Why couldn't a company make an HD headset, or something without washed-out colors. Something affordable. Now that headset has arrived and no one wants it. Some irony.

No, you cannot buy the HMZ-T1 (or 1200VR, for that matter) and jack into the matrix today. But these products bring us small steps closer to that dream. And in order to realize that dream, you guys have to follow where the path leads every step of the way. You can't just sit around waiting for you dreams to happen. That doesn't work. You have to make them happen.
Yeah I get the need to support the companies and all but firstly, there's already enough demand it seems for these sets. It's a pre-order item only at the Sony Centres and in Harrods here in the UK and at least the first two batches of pre-orders have already sold. Sony UK has even removed the pre-order part of their website likely due to having sold out all of their allocation. The product's already been a success and with limited numbers, those of us not sure about it are better off giving our 'space' up to others. For me, I don't think it's there yet - especially not for £800. If it were half the price then maybe.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by pierreye »

I'm with Cyber on this HMD. Come on guys. It's been ages we get a decent HMD and although it's not perfect, at least it one step closer to our dream setup. I'm been waiting for 10 years for a good spec HMD and it's now or never. I can see the forehead pad is something we can mod into a more comfortable setup. I had a 3D projector but there's no way for me to implement 360 degree FPS. It's a different type of gadget. From what I read, the 3D is the best on HMD.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by Bishop51 »

The HMZ-T1 is already a reasonable market success if preorders and the early buzz are anything to go by. The support is obviously there in some capacity. So, I think Sony will take a more serious look at developing related technologies. Unfortunately I don't think that necessarily means it will be a gamer friendly VR rig.

What drives me absolutely bonkers with all start-ups who delve into VR is that they consistently miss all the sweet spots and completely ignore current PC gaming standards and technologies. A successful VR product absolutely MUST take into account the current market tech and the types of games being played using that hardware. The HMD must take advantage of existing game paradigms and display standards. That means a sit-down at your desk or easy chair, triple head (wide FOV) VR headset with built in tracking and a flip up visor or on-demand translucent system. Mouse emulation would work for most titles but an open SDK and solid partnerships with hardware AND software giants like Nvidia and visionaries like John Carmack would likely seal the deal.

And that is what is most often missed here. A true market contender won't only work within existing paradigms but they will also be a major player in creating mindblowing content to show people what's possible with the technology. This is EXACTLY like launching the Wii, you need a ground breaking system on market and you need to couple that with some software to knock peoples socks off and drive the techno-lust. Until someone takes this on from all angles and exploits what we all know is possible, it won't be the market success it needs to be.

Here's hoping Del Toro, Carmack, Nvidia or Apple are thinking seriously about what the future truly holds (and I think they are).
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by Dom »

Can someone tells us what the attachment cord looks like and if its possible to get an extension for it. If the control box is a sidestep then maybe a longer cords that can be placed high up dangling mid air around?

Is the connector proprietary? Its needs power supply through the cord too? Whats the actual length of the cord? More than 12 FEET?

Does the cord unplug from the headset?

I bet sony makes another unit box for wireless hmz-t1 and tracker. A wireless connection with battery could offset the nose drop from the hmz-t1. Maybe for ps3 or just hdmi! I will email sometime and ask. :mrgreen:

I know this cause if they hear a good idea to make another showroom prize they will split it down the line quickly.

Oh and can't this be used as a gaming edge on tournys blizcon, gamecon ect... Player won't have to haul their lcd 24 inch if the promoters accept hmd as a walk in trade. My System specs In HTML


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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by Okta »

I sold my Headplay because i simply could not use it for any length of time or adjust it sufficiently to get a good view without eye strain and it seems there is a fair amount of comments about the Sony so far so i need to test one before purchasing.

The Sony has failed to meet a lot of expectation from the general market in that they all wanted a bigger image. This is the single biggest complaint about every consumer HMD and Sony has made this for the PS3 and people watching 3d blue rays, not for VR geeks. SO i could get one and it would able a nice toy but I would still be waiting for something closer to what i actually want.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by Fredz »

SpankyDeluxe wrote:Although the FOV is less than I'd sit from my TV, it's about the same as my computer monitor is (30" at ~2.5') although because of all the black around the image (obviously a good thing), the image appears much smaller.
The FOV is not the same than on your computer monitor, nor less than with your TV. The HMZ-T1 has a 51° horizontal FOV, which is much bigger than the 30° of your monitor. Also 51° horizontal FOV with a 50" TV would mean that your eyes are at 1.15m (45") from the screen, do you really watch TV at this distance ?

It's probably true that the FOV feels less important because of the black area around the screen, but it's still a lot higher than what you get with a monitor or a TV.
SpankyDeluxe wrote:It's clearly not designed for VR anyway what with the lack of a gyro and head tracking but obviously Sony aren't going to add tech that their consoles can't support.
Sony does already support head-tracking on the PS3 using the PlayStation Eye (used in Gran Turismo 5 and The Fight: Lights Out for example), that's not as if they had absolutely no experience in this domain. Mike Hocking even said in July that they were working on head-tracking in R&D with a couple of games at Sony.

I think for now it also makes more sense to buy a head-tracker from a company specialized in this technology than to incorporate a subpar device in an HMD, like Vuzix did with the Wrap 1200VR.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ancjob »

Okta wrote:I sold my Headplay because i simply could not use it for any length of time or adjust it sufficiently to get a good view without eye strain and it seems there is a fair amount of comments about the Sony so far so i need to test one before purchasing.

The Sony has failed to meet a lot of expectation from the general market in that they all wanted a bigger image. This is the single biggest complaint about every consumer HMD and Sony has made this for the PS3 and people watching 3d blue rays, not for VR geeks. SO i could get one and it would able a nice toy but I would still be waiting for something closer to what i actually want.
you stole the words out of my mouth.....exactly i feel just the same .

is it another Headplay with HD-OLEDs....?

headplays 'd reflective screens which were major concern so i guess OLED panels are better as they do not have the issue !

As for optics....i still consider sony to have better optics than headplay.....but with reviews it makes my belief suspect!......test before buying is better than to commit outright without testing...
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by SpankyDeluxe »

Fredz wrote:
SpankyDeluxe wrote:Although the FOV is less than I'd sit from my TV, it's about the same as my computer monitor is (30" at ~2.5') although because of all the black around the image (obviously a good thing), the image appears much smaller.
The FOV is not the same than on your computer monitor, nor less than with your TV. The HMZ-T1 has a 51° horizontal FOV, which is much bigger than the 30° of your monitor. Also 51° horizontal FOV with a 50" TV would mean that your eyes are at 1.15m (45") from the screen, do you really watch TV at this distance ?

It's probably true that the FOV feels less important because of the black area around the screen, but it's still a lot higher than what you get with a monitor or a TV.
I meant 30 inches at ~2.5 feet which is about 45 degrees or about 55 degrees if I lean forward. The FOV of my TV is far smaller an the HMZ-T1 as I said and I'd need to sit about 5 feet from my screen for a similar FOV (64" TV) but the FOV feels far smaller due to the tunnel vision effect. It's not just about screen size though but also the pop out effect in 3D 'seems' less due to not having a reference. I.e. a sword being stabbed at your face doesn't really feel like a threat with a headset with such a FOV but it would on a TV or monitor set up for a similar FOV. It feels a bit like watching stuff through a pair of binoculars right now, in my opinion.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by cybereality »

Okta wrote:The Sony has failed to meet a lot of expectation from the general market in that they all wanted a bigger image.
This is partly because they advertised it as some ludicrous 750" cinema screen. In actuality its probably more like a 60" HDTV, which is still pretty good if you ask me. Sure, this is not what you would imagine from the movies, but still blows away all the other stuff on the consumer market.
Fredz wrote:I think for now it also makes more sense to buy a head-tracker from a company specialized in this technology than to incorporate a subpar device in an HMD, like Vuzix did with the Wrap 1200VR.
The 6TC tracker on the Vuzix 1200VR is actually very good. You can see a test I did here:" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ancjob »

ancjob wrote:
Okta wrote:I sold my Headplay because i simply could not use it for any length of time or adjust it sufficiently to get a good view without eye strain and it seems there is a fair amount of comments about the Sony so far so i need to test one before purchasing.
partly the reason being highly reflective screens and very small exit pupil...makes focusing on screens very challenging.... it's like through pin holes trying to get focus of screens

just managing with headplay somehow and do not have any better choice than sony !
cybereality wrote:
Fredz wrote:I think for now it also makes more sense to buy a head-tracker from a company specialized in this technology than to incorporate a subpar device in an HMD, like Vuzix did with the Wrap 1200VR.
The 6TC tracker on the Vuzix 1200VR is actually very good. You can see a test I did here:" onclick=";return false;
head tracker - good or bad when the screens are sub-par not even 800x600 with decent contrast and minimal reflectivity......i'd not buy vuzix if they do not upgrade to high Q [800x600] minimum and great contrast and they are asking usd$599 for that crap [are they nuts or hit their head with a bong :evil: ] i'd rather put in usd200 more to get sony....than to buy the vuzix 1200 crap any time! ;) and definitely not gonna pay usd599 for the damm head-tracker as glasses are crap!

BTW - sony is being sold at premium @ebay usa.......anyone interested can order from there....any takers? :lol:
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by cybereality »

ancjob wrote: BTW - sony is being sold at premium @ebay usa.......anyone interested can order from there....any takers? :lol:
For $1,500 you got to be kidding me. I will wait until next year.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ancjob »

why there is no detailed overview of HMZ-T1 by those who have received it and tested it - why ? i wonder! :| was it so bad that it did NOT deserve a detailed overview....
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by cybereality »

ancjob wrote:why there is no detailed overview of HMZ-T1 by those who have received it and tested it - why ? i wonder! :| was it so bad that it did NOT deserve a detailed overview....
There are lots of reviews out there, just have to look. ... wer-review" onclick=";return false;

So far the responses on the Nvidia forum have been pretty positive: ... &p=1326467" onclick=";return false;

And here: ... hmd-head-m" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ancjob »

cybereality wrote:
ancjob wrote:why there is no detailed overview of HMZ-T1 by those who have received it and tested it - why ? i wonder! :| was it so bad that it did NOT deserve a detailed overview....
There are lots of reviews out there, just have to look. ... wer-review" onclick=";return false;

So far the responses on the Nvidia forum have been pretty positive: ... &p=1326467" onclick=";return false;

And here: ... hmd-head-m" onclick=";return false;

oops! i forgot to add the word "here" on mtbs3d.....just like your detailed overview of vuzix , cyber

btw emagin being sold for usd 1049 at ebay usa - used without ear buds , no return/replacement/refunds - any takers.... :lol:
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by superkev »

I have one. Is there specifically anything you want to know?

I've messed with mine extensively (5 days / 20 hours or so) and attempted basically all that I planned.

1. On the quality: It is excellent, can handle all the signal types I've attempted to send to it. I cannot see any pixel effect some people have mentioned. Good source material becomes even a bigger deal with the HMZ-T1.
2. On the size: It's bigger than you saw in your demo at the store. I thought it was small too until I had one. The demo was poor and it's aspect ratio and scaling caused a fair amount of the screen real estate to be blank. It is quite immersive as I've been playing Skyrim with it (maybe 5 hours or so). Also got TrackIR going with the HMZ-T1 and Skyrim. Amazing fighting dragons with this headset. The FOV is outside my direct focus capability both vertically and horizontally.
3. On the comfort: It's true, it is very difficult to adjust and wear comfortably. I've messed with mine for hours and clearly they could have done better with this aspect and it can be extremely uncomfortable when not adjusted meticulously. However by putting the smallest pad on the headrest portion (you get 3 different size pads with the unit) and pulling the back strap down as far as possible I can achieve some comfort. BTW: a little known fact is it comes with an knit elastic cover for your headrest that isn't installed. This is essential to prevent it from slipping.
4. On the focus issue: Also true, it is difficult to position the unit where all 4 corners of the picture are completely in focus. Since the corners are in your peripheral vision getting this right is not easy. Also as you pointed out the sliders on the bottom are primitive. My best position is one notch in but this slightly causes the center to be out of focus. I found that using the center clip adjustment with lots of fiddling would allow me to get a happy medium on the focus. There is definitely a 'sweet spot effect'.
5. On the construction quality of the unit: The outer shell is high quality plastic, I do not believe it would break without a very hard impact. The flimsy part are the inner headphones which are clearly it's weakest point. I think wear and tear would damage the headphone portion before any other component. I think the quality of the drivers in the headphones are however middle of the road quality and often sound very good. Their housing is thinner and if it were to drop you would not want it to land there. Since they are front heavy a drop that hits the headphones would be a freak occurrence. The light blockers and nose piece are rubber inserts.
6. Games and Media Tested:
PC Games and apps:
Skyrim: works great, immersive, could not get it to work in 3D, but did get TrackIR to work with it.
Crysis 2: works great, full 3D works perfectly, 3D effect was quite noticeable but seemingly not adjustable.
Dirt 3: works great, didn't try in 3D but did get TrackIR working with it
Windows Desktop: Sharp and quite usable, all text readable even when input signal is 1080p
Browsers: Works fine and text is completely readable
standard MKV's, AVI's: Played numerous examples: This is where the unit really shines, very high quality, large screen when adjusted right, colors and blacks look great.
3D formatted MKV, AVI's etc..: Played 3 different ones, Avatar 3D in SBS, IMAX Undersea in SBS and RIO in SBS: The HMZ-T1 renders the 3D better than anything I've seen... Ever. 0 crosstalk, 0 ghosting, highly natural 3D effect.

Avatar 3D: slightly sharper than SBS version, 3D perfect and good depth.
Harry Potter DHP2 3D: sharp, and as it's dark most of the movie the HMZ-T1 performs excellently for this, clear but limited 3D effect. Final battle excellent though.

For movies focus in the peripheral vision area not as important so almost anyone would be able to enjoy this aspect of the device.

Overall Impression:
Could certainly use some optimization but I've enjoyed my time with the unit so far. The unit has lots of potential uses. Technically they are just about there but need to work to refine the fit and the focusing mechanisms. Sometimes great for watching movies and playing games and better than the other options available at the moment.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ancjob »

@superkev - thanks for the review of the hmz

do you also have headplay by any chance ?
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by superkev »

Never tried the headplay. Did try the vuzix 1200 and the cinemizer oled prototype.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ancjob »

superkev wrote:Never tried the headplay. Did try the vuzix 1200 and the cinemizer oled prototype.
no , none of them...
i am curious if anyone has headplay and Sony HMD both!
palmer had z800 and headplay and awaiting sony i need to wait to hear from him

@superkev - have you tried Sony HMZ with HDMI 1.3 ports commonly on media players and 'not-so-recent' laptops - does it get identified on HDMI 1.3 devices as well ?

BTW - anyone from uk,europe who got this from USA and using it with those '50w voltage converter' - any issues encountered with audio / video ? does the us version work ok using those converters from ebay for cutomers from uk/europe ?
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by rowanunderwood »

superkev wrote:I have one. Is there specifically anything you want to know?

I've messed with mine extensively (5 days / 20 hours or so) and attempted basically all that I planned.

1. On the quality: It is excellent, can handle all the signal types I've attempted to send to it. I cannot see any pixel effect some people have mentioned. Good source material becomes even a bigger deal with the HMZ-T1.
2. On the size: It's bigger than you saw in your demo at the store. I thought it was small too until I had one. The demo was poor and it's aspect ratio and scaling caused a fair amount of the screen real estate to be blank. It is quite immersive as I've been playing Skyrim with it (maybe 5 hours or so). Also got TrackIR going with the HMZ-T1 and Skyrim. Amazing fighting dragons with this headset. The FOV is outside my direct focus capability both vertically and horizontally.
3. On the comfort: It's true, it is very difficult to adjust and wear comfortably. I've messed with mine for hours and clearly they could have done better with this aspect and it can be extremely uncomfortable when not adjusted meticulously. However by putting the smallest pad on the headrest portion (you get 3 different size pads with the unit) and pulling the back strap down as far as possible I can achieve some comfort. BTW: a little known fact is it comes with an knit elastic cover for your headrest that isn't installed. This is essential to prevent it from slipping.
4. On the focus issue: Also true, it is difficult to position the unit where all 4 corners of the picture are completely in focus. Since the corners are in your peripheral vision getting this right is not easy. Also as you pointed out the sliders on the bottom are primitive. My best position is one notch in but this slightly causes the center to be out of focus. I found that using the center clip adjustment with lots of fiddling would allow me to get a happy medium on the focus. There is definitely a 'sweet spot effect'.
5. On the construction quality of the unit: The outer shell is high quality plastic, I do not believe it would break without a very hard impact. The flimsy part are the inner headphones which are clearly it's weakest point. I think wear and tear would damage the headphone portion before any other component. I think the quality of the drivers in the headphones are however middle of the road quality and often sound very good. Their housing is thinner and if it were to drop you would not want it to land there. Since they are front heavy a drop that hits the headphones would be a freak occurrence. The light blockers and nose piece are rubber inserts.
6. Games and Media Tested:
PC Games and apps:
Skyrim: works great, immersive, could not get it to work in 3D, but did get TrackIR to work with it.
Crysis 2: works great, full 3D works perfectly, 3D effect was quite noticeable but seemingly not adjustable.
Dirt 3: works great, didn't try in 3D but did get TrackIR working with it
Windows Desktop: Sharp and quite usable, all text readable even when input signal is 1080p
Browsers: Works fine and text is completely readable
standard MKV's, AVI's: Played numerous examples: This is where the unit really shines, very high quality, large screen when adjusted right, colors and blacks look great.
3D formatted MKV, AVI's etc..: Played 3 different ones, Avatar 3D in SBS, IMAX Undersea in SBS and RIO in SBS: The HMZ-T1 renders the 3D better than anything I've seen... Ever. 0 crosstalk, 0 ghosting, highly natural 3D effect.

Avatar 3D: slightly sharper than SBS version, 3D perfect and good depth.
Harry Potter DHP2 3D: sharp, and as it's dark most of the movie the HMZ-T1 performs excellently for this, clear but limited 3D effect. Final battle excellent though.

For movies focus in the peripheral vision area not as important so almost anyone would be able to enjoy this aspect of the device.

Overall Impression:
Could certainly use some optimization but I've enjoyed my time with the unit so far. The unit has lots of potential uses. Technically they are just about there but need to work to refine the fit and the focusing mechanisms. Sometimes great for watching movies and playing games and better than the other options available at the moment.
I was able to get Skyrim in 3d with Nvidia drivers, a fix is available at for the broken starsphere :) I've heard that tridef works also.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ancjob »

rowanunderwood wrote: I was able to get Skyrim in 3d with Nvidia drivers, a fix is available at for the broken starsphere :) I've heard that tridef works also.

can you use HMZ with HDMI 1.3 devices as well - like media players , laptops etc ?
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by cybereality »

ancjob wrote: can you use HMZ with HDMI 1.3 devices as well - like media players , laptops etc ?
Of course. Thats the whole point of a standard.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ancjob »

cybereality wrote:
ancjob wrote: can you use HMZ with HDMI 1.3 devices as well - like media players , laptops etc ?
Of course. Thats the whole point of a standard.
well , theory apart - i want confirmation from someone who actually used Sony HMD with hdmi enabled media players like Cowon V5 , WD TV live , egreat , xtreamer sidewinder etc

1) these media players and not-so-recent laptops that have HDMI 1.3 / 1.2 - does Sony HMD work with them - has someone 'actually' tried....with media players/laptops ?

the issue being detection of this device by these players/streamers....hence curious.....
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by cybereality »

Well I used the device in the Sony store and it was hooked up to a portable Blu-Ray player (non-3D, likely HDMI 1.3) and it worked fine.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ancjob »

superkev wrote:I have one. Is there specifically anything you want to know?

I've messed with mine extensively (5 days / 20 hours or so) and attempted basically all that I planned.

headset. The FOV is outside my direct focus capability both vertically and horizontally.

4. On the focus issue: Also true, it is difficult to position the unit where all 4 corners of the picture are completely in focus. Since the corners are in your peripheral vision getting this right is not easy. Also as you pointed out the sliders on the bottom are primitive. My best position is one notch in but this slightly causes the center to be out of focus. I found that using the center clip adjustment with lots of fiddling would allow me to get a happy medium on the focus. There is definitely a 'sweet spot effect'.
well - as has been pointed out the FOV is such that the corners go beyond the peripheral vision...and it's difficult to focus in such a way to get the complete screen within vision - is it becoz of the eye-pieces being small through which one looks into the screens inside ?

i have the same issue with headplay - looks like looking into screens using the 'pin-holes' so even sony failed to address the issue - too bad....

form what i have read it seems Sony is another variant of headplay with hd-oled and larger FOV incorporating the HDMI input....

i do not know why the companies cannot design 'Large' eye-pieces just like emagin which results in effortless focus and viewing......emagin 's eye-pieces are so huge that it's 'effortless' viewing and the entire screen is within peripheral vision - why the companies like Sony , vuzix , cinemizer cannot learn from emagin...why ?

why do we have to have to have 'pin-holes' to look into the screens ?

all emagin has to do is to find a way to incorporate Sony OLED panels into their z800 and modify control box for HDMI 1.4 to have a perfect HMD in fact they also have their own OLED-XL that they can use .....for a perfect HMD.......

i think what i will do is to order a custom mod from" onclick=";return false; for headplay but then the temptation is Sony - the brand...

after nonames like headplay - now Sony why not try that also......

anyone from vuzix,cinemizer,sony reading this - just answer this question

why do we have to have to have 'pin-holes' to look into the screens ?
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ERP »

why do we have to have to have 'pin-holes' to look into the screens ?
Because with conventional optics exit pupil is a function of screen size and FOV.
Decrease screen size decrease exit pupil, increase FOV decrease exit pupil, it's not just a function of lens size.
It's incredibly hard to design something with a decent exit pupil that has decent FOV using a small screen.
Just go look at what people design with $20K budgets, what you don't see is high FOV compact HMD's.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by Dom »

I think its because hmd are revolved around lcd or oled. You guys did want a projector based hmd with high fov. There are ideas to put together one but even still are the components there? Like you don't want to put two mini led dlp projectors on hmd. You want one or two micro dlp or image beams coming onto curved screen with adjustable software driven fov with wide angle 2 inch x 2 inch oled viewfinder with micro 1080p cameras onto the curved screen. ahaha thats the way i would want it, every component micro not medium or large. My System specs In HTML


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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by android78 »

ERP wrote:
why do we have to have to have 'pin-holes' to look into the screens ?
Because with conventional optics exit pupil is a function of screen size and FOV.
Decrease screen size decrease exit pupil, increase FOV decrease exit pupil, it's not just a function of lens size.
It's incredibly hard to design something with a decent exit pupil that has decent FOV using a small screen.
Just go look at what people design with $20K budgets, what you don't see is high FOV compact HMD's.
From my study, I think what you are alluding to is the issue with chromatic aberration which is exacerbated, the more off axis that you are looking and the greater the magnification/focal shift of the lens.
In the case of HMD, you are trying to make a lens of about 1/3" that is sitting 1-2" from your head look like it's 20feet from your head. This is quite an extreme shift in focal point that requires a very strong lens. So if you increase the size of this lens, towards the edge, it will cause a large amount of colour separation for the light that is coming from the screen (it will almost be like a prism) and will also cause more reflection.

Code: Select all

|..\ --- 
|....\    ----               
|.....\         ----       / 
|.....\               ----(  Eye
|.....| <-Lens             \ 
There is also distortion because of the change in distance between the correction lens in the HMD and the lens in the eye as it rotates. Basically, as the eye rotates, the lens gets further from the lens in the HMD by quite a significant amount, if you consider is as a percentage of the total distance. The distance will probably change by about 1/16", when the HMD lens is about 1/2" away from the eye, that is 12.5%
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ERP »

No although Chromatic aberration is certainly an issue.
What I'm talking about is this, if your display is small then to make it appear big (wide FOV) you have to magnify it a lot, by magnifying it a lot you also magnify any movement of the display relative to the eye, which reduces the window in which you can clearly see the display this windows is the exit pupil i.e. looking through pin holes.

None conventional optics notably waveguides might be able to work around this, but quite honestly I don't have an advanced degree in optics, and I've never seen such a display demonstrated, and I have no idea if it's feasible to mass produce the optical elements.
The problem with projectors is either you have to project onto the retina, which leaves you with an abysmally small exit pupil, or you have to have a real image somewhere in the optical path and your back to all the problems with screens.
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ancjob »

Still my question -

see the 'circle'd eye-pieces' - why so small are these ?
images-headplay eye-pees-mod.JPG

inorder to see screens fully i have to place headplay very close to my eyes although this is sorted out but do not feel as comfortable as i do with eMagin...

if only eMagin's image quality had been like Sony's HMD - i'd NOT have been hunting for another HMD

but i wonder
how eMagin is able to design z800 with such optics with 'large' eye-pieces incorporating fov 40 with avg Quality OLEDs .....? on z800 the viewing is 'effortless' and screens are within vision despite fov 40 ?

all eMagin has to do is to upgrade their OLEDs to OLED-XL which they manufacture and introduce HDMI input [v1.4] and you have a 'PERFECT' HMD.......but will they do ...i guess NOT

eMagin probably survives on Govt. / military contracts and i guess they do great business so not interested to capture consumer market
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by android78 »

I think the z800 uses a clever combination of refraction, reflection and total internal reflection so that the path of light is actually quite long compared to the pure refractive lenses used in most of the HMDs. This means there is less distortion towards the edge of the lens, so they can afford a larger lens.
I haven't got them myself, but I believe that the light travels from the display above the lens, uses total internal reflection off the front of the lens (closest to your eye), then reflection off the back of the lens (furthest from your eye) and then refracted when it reaches the front of the lens again. The use of reflection is great too because it doesn't cause the chromatic aberration that you get with refraction.

See the image of Daeyang Prism Lens:" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ancjob »

android78 wrote:I think the z800 uses a clever combination of refraction, reflection and total internal reflection so that the path of light is actually quite long compared to the pure refractive lenses used in most of the HMDs. This means there is less distortion towards the edge of the lens, so they can afford a larger lens.
I haven't got them myself, but I believe that the light travels from the display above the lens, uses total internal reflection off the front of the lens (closest to your eye), then reflection off the back of the lens (furthest from your eye) and then refracted when it reaches the front of the lens again. The use of reflection is great too because it doesn't cause the chromatic aberration that you get with refraction.

See the image of Daeyang Prism Lens:" onclick=";return false;

amazing you unearthed the secret of z800...finally :D
z800 uses prism lenses so the weight is reduced and the quality of optics is outstanding !

Z800 does not have great OLED panels that's the only -ve ... Had they been using their high end OLED-XL [" onclick=";return false; ] and an HDMI input - z800 'd have been the 'ultimate' HMD....

why cannot Sony and the rest emulate this kind of 'optics' which is perfect !

almost no blurring of edges - huge eye-piece of z800 makes for 'effortless' focusing and to top it all - no eye-strain.......

if Sony were to use 'this' kind of optics then we have the 'ultimate' HMD.....Sony are you reading this .....
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by android78 »

ancjob wrote:if Sony were to use 'this' kind of optics then we have the 'ultimate' HMD.....Sony are you reading this .....
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the sony glasstron use this kind of optics?
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by ancjob »

android78 wrote:
ancjob wrote:if Sony were to use 'this' kind of optics then we have the 'ultimate' HMD.....Sony are you reading this .....
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the sony glasstron use this kind of optics?
sony glasstrons have fov 26-30 which is NOT whether optics are great or NOT the unit is NOT immersive - low fov....

there was this s700e their premium model with 800x600 screens on ebay usa [ ... 35b692cda0" onclick=";return false; ] - the fov was pathetic @30

i wanted to bid but the fov was a deal-breaker

specs here :" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Sony HMD is real!

Post by android78 »

I agree on the FOV with the glasstron, but my point is that, if they have used these type of lenses in the past (still need confirmation that they are using the same lens type), I don't know why they wouldn't with these. Could be that it is patented and they have to pay too much to use the design?

I wonder if this technology would give good results:
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