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Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:51 am
by NeoTokyo_Nori
Hello CyberVillan :!:
Nice to see that you are still taking care of FP. Thanks for you work.

So I have been working with FP with my gun and locomotion inputs for a while using Battlefield4.
It has been steadily improving and I am reasonabliy happy with the results (my code is getting really long too!).
But now it is time to test things on another game, and I have picked COD advanced warefare.

All the inputs work fine in BF4, but when I immediately switch over to COD-aw, absolutely none of the inputs work. The regular keyboard and mouse work, but nothing from the gun/loco works.

I did google around for Freepie and COD related issues, but nothing.
I have not installed punkbuster or any anti-cheat software intentionally.

Still troubleshooting, but the current possibllities I can think of are:
1. COD has some software/setting that blocks FP
2. COD only allows inputs from a physical KB/mouse
3. There is a magic command in FP that can override any such problems.

Currently I am hoping for #3.
Any ideas? ;)

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 3:21 am
by CyberVillain
Strange, is other mouse emulation software working? I only have COD 4 can try when I get home. But that game is old :D

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 3:31 am
by NeoTokyo_Nori
I don't use anything other than FP, but I do have 2 keyboards and 2 mouses plugged in, plus a logitech G13.
Maybe I should try it with just one kb and mouse...

But I also tried my setup with COD Ghosts (2013) and it is working ok.
So I guess it is not something that happens with all COD/Activision games...

Will have to keep trying tonight...

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 4:34 am
by konstantin_lozev
Hi, Neo, just try with a basic GlovePIE script.

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 4:37 am
by konstantin_lozev
Cybervillain, I have been away for a while doing some Unity experiments with ARToolkit and it just occured to me that it would be in principle possible to use its support for QR code markers as a 6 DOF tracked input device.

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:24 am
by NeoTokyo_Nori
Quick Update:
I tried removing all other kb/mouses, but still nothing. :roll:

I tried looking in the config file for COD-AW...
and removed all the lines that clearly do not relate to the kb/mouse,
just to narrow things down, and have attached a copy of the file.
Maybe it can offer some hints...

Also found just a little info about the game engine here.

I do not use glovepie anymore. :?

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:10 pm
by CyberVillain
Long awaited maintenance release, sorry for the long time between releases.