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Re: fantastic! I've gotten my first 3d vision demo running!!

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:37 pm
by emblemparade
NVSTEREOIMAGEHEADER still works. Because various NVIDIA applications use it (the 3D Vision Video player) I assume it will be supported for a long time. And though NVIDIA doesn't actively publish the spec for it (they are miserable at supporting 3D Vision development!), they do mention it in presentations on the technology that they give at conferences.

Has anyone found a way to get around the "rename to googleearth.exe" hack? I find it ridiculous that I need to ship my game in this manner!

Re: fantastic! I've gotten my first 3d vision demo running!!

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:18 am
by hubchau

Thank you very much for your contribution.

I'm trying to transform two live webcam feeds into a 3D stereoscopic one. I managed to display two still images thanks to your code, but I'm totally new to DirectX/Show/3D...

Do you think I could load a webcam live feed instead of a still image?

Maybe using a loop which would display an image using the D3DXLoadSurfaceFromFile function, and acquiring a new image at each iteration? Ideally, it'd awesome if a D3DXLoadSurfaceFromWebcam were to exist :p