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Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:28 am
by CyberVillain
We do convert it to standard m / s^2

We also calibrate it so it should read ~9.8

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:47 pm
by CyberVillain
@Drowhuner, sorry for being so slow with your perfomance issue, I've been really busy with private life. Here is a fix for the problem, ... pareScript

It will be in next release, thanks for noticing the problem!

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:33 am
by CyberVillain
New version, see first page!

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:54 am
by kmcwilliams
CyberVillain wrote:New version, see first page!
Thanks you sir. I have been waiting patiently for, and watching this software, for THIS update.

I am thankfull and glad that you have finally made the switch to the Open Source vjoy.

Now, I may finally be able dump Glovepie and PPJoy for this new combo. Until now have been unable to make the switch, because I use the previous software on an everyday basis.

As it turns out, I have also been modifying my HW as of late, a re-wiring of my sim panel, so these 2 events, my re-wire and this update of the software, really came together at the right time.


EDIT: A few questions.

Is vjoy installation part of your installer, and which version would that be ?

Will I be able to upgrade vjoy without having to re-install FreePie ?

Is there a proper or recommeded install order, or does it even matter, for the vjoy/ FreePie combo ?

If vjoy is not part of your installer, can I use the latest version of vjoy, the one that will now work with PPJoy installed without conflict ?

Hopefully such is the case, so that I can keep PPJoy and Glovepie, while I create all of the new Freepie w/ vjoy scripts to replace the several dozen that I use on a fairly regular basis.

And again, thanks for this update.

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:31 pm
by CyberVillain
Its tested with the signed driver that came out a while ago, its not included so you need to install that, it doesnt matter if you install FreePIE for or after the driver.

hope it works fine for you! Please try their included software first so that the driver is up and running (Since you will run it along side ppJoy)

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:08 pm
by n8rockerasu
Hoping somebody can help me with this. I'm looking for a way to add headtracking with my Oculus Rift for games that don't have mouse look. From the research I've done, VorpX allegedly pulls this off with an option that's actually called "gamepad emulation". I hate when games don't have mouselook or trackir (especially racing games), but there are a decent amount out there that have it mapped to analog sticks on the Xbox 360 controller (NASCAR 14, Next Car Game) or even the arrow keys on the keyboard (Roller Coaster Rampage).

I saw this post from earlier in this thread of someone looking to do a similar thing...but I'm not sure if he ever got it sorted out. ... 120#p86136

Specific example of what I'm wanting:
1. NASCAR 14's cockpit view will allow you to look around inside.
2. When you use a keyboard for input, the mapping is broken up into "look left", "look back", "look right" controls that kind of just snap to the apex when the key is pressed.
3. When you use an Xbox 360 controller for input, it changes the mapping to "look around" which defaults to the right analog stick. You can change it...but considering it's one binding that covers 2 axis', that doesn't help a whole lot.
4. So, unless I'm just not thinking through it right, I need a way to get the Rift yaw and pitch (well, and roll, I guess...but that's not as critical, and I don't even know how that would work) to be the X and Y axis of the right stick on a 360 pad.

Is this at all possible? I've got ppjoy, Vjoy, Glovepie, Freepie...and I don't think I'm completely incompetent, lol. This is just a little beyond my understanding. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:30 am
by baggyg
VorpX gamepad emulation won't work since this is reading the inputs directly from the controller itself rather than having a shared pool. It also doesn't affect the headtracking.

My first guess would be to see if those games support trackIR. If so you should be able to emulate this with freepie and then user VorpX for the rendering. However you may run into issues with sharing the tracker input... since VorpX sometimes doesn't work if you cant grab it.

Possibly a better way to go would be to try and use Virieo Perception and add game support. We did this quite well with Dirt 3 and got in cockpit head tracking working by manipulating the in game cameras.

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:34 am
by n8rockerasu
Thanks for the reply. The games do not have trackir, unfortunately. That would have made for an easy fix just by using Opentrack itself (which is what I do for Dirt 3).

I just tried getting NASCAR to load in Perception, but it crashes as soon as I open it (I injected the .dll files into NASCAR's bin folder and used Vireio Profiler to create a game profile). I also tried it without creating a profile, and the game loaded, but not in 3D and with no trace of Perception (couldn't pull up menu).

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 10:56 am
by Adm.Darkfire
Hi CyberVillan,

I am currently trying to emulate a Joystick from a Novint Falcon.

GlovePIE supported the Falcon, but obviously doesn't support vJoy and ppJoy suck pretty bad(also GlovePIE isn't that great either).

Sadly FreePIE doesn't support the Falcon, yet.

It would be absolutely awesome if you could add Falcon support to FreePIE.

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 1:27 pm
by CyberVillain
Looks it's c++ only, someone needs to write a C wrapper for it to work in FreePIE. Best is if you can find a developer who as the hardware. It's hard for me to do anything without the hardware

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:22 pm
by Adm.Darkfire
I am a Software Developer myself, but I normally only work in Java or C#.

Still I took a look at the Novint HDAL SDK and if I am not completely mistaken it is actually C compatible.

hdl.h and hdlu.h (the headers you have to include into a C++ Programm to use the Falcon

Code: Select all

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
If I am not completely wrong this means the file is actually C but also C++ compatible.

EDIT: I am looking at theFreePIE source code at the moemnt, is there any interface for plugins?

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 4:40 pm
by CyberVillain
Nice, I can give you all the FreePIE assistance you need to get this rolling.

First fork FreePIE at github

You will be working mainly in the project called FreePIE.Core.Plugins

Add a new class called FalconPlugin, you can look at the other plugins how do implement it correctly. Also have a look here ... evelopment

If you have any questions let me know!

edit: Btw, create a branch before you start wokring

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 6:09 pm
by kmcwilliams
Adm.Darkfire wrote:Hi CyberVillan,

I am currently trying to emulate a Joystick from a Novint Falcon.

GlovePIE supported the Falcon, but obviously doesn't support vJoy and ppJoy suck pretty bad(also GlovePIE isn't that great either).
Seems to be alot of this sort of post around here and other places that Google finds. I am not just addressing you, but anyone that expresses what you just stated. And I want to address 1 thing for sure.

There are many people that have a problem with GlovePie's licensing, and I understand their concerns and respect their decision to not use GP. But I am addressing this statement about PPJoy.

I have been using PPJoy since Windows 95. Even now in Windows 7 x64, PPJoy works, and works VERY well. I use it, and GlovePie still today, for all of my virtual joystick and gaming scripting needs.

For many years, PPJoy was the ONLY tool, to fill a need, that many gamers were in want of. And the developer provided it for free. There have been any imitators, and I do believe that we have a viable replacement now with the Free VJoy.

But just because YOU can not get PPJoy to work, or lack the knowledge of how to use it, do not start trying to denegrate a GREAT tool such as PPJoy. It has been around a very long time, has served many people very well for many years, and has survived a lot of pretenders to the throne.

That said, I am still testing with the Free VJoy and FreePie, because they are being actively developed, but sadly, as of today, they still can not do for me, what PPJoy and GlovePie (and other scripting tools) have done for years.

I am still hopeful, that they will be what I hope they will be, a replacement for my aging and still working combo.

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:00 am
by CyberVillain
As I understand vJoy will soon have the 128 button support you seek so just stay tuned ;)

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:33 am
by CyberVillain
New version with some minor changes, see first page!

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:43 pm
by kmcwilliams
CyberVillain wrote:As I understand vJoy will soon have the 128 button support you seek so just stay tuned ;)
Hello there, actually, the 128 button version was released for testing at the begining of the month, I downloaded and was testing when, the official signed driver version was released on the 8th. Here is a link to the announcment ... 28-buttons
CyberVillain wrote:New version with some minor changes, see first page!
Thanks for the update, and all that you continue to do, to try and provide the community another free scripting tool to access computer gaming and VR devices. And for those that will not use GlovePie, an alternative .

I have been keeping an eye on this project, and occasionally do more testing to see if I can get it working, so I can replace my aging combo I talked about above.

I am going to do a post in a bit, concerning the "Where the rubber meets the road" funtionality of FreePie. I was putting the information in this post, but decided it might be better in it's own thread.

But I will have to do it in a bit.

But thanks again.

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:22 pm
by n8rockerasu
Believe it or not, I am still at it trying to get my Oculus Rift to function as the right stick of an Xbox 360 controller, and I've sort of (maybe) had a bit of success. I just barely know what I'm doing with this it's a struggle. I've got the Rift recognized in Vjoy and have basically bastardized a TrackIR script I found that seemed like it was somewhat set up for what I'm wanting to do. I just changed TrackIR to oculusVR and joystick to VJoy and kind of went from there. Please forgive me. I'm sure there's a lot of extra stuff in this that isn't relevant to my purpose (the mouse stuff for sure). But as long as the script ran without errors, I was happy, haha.

The issue I'm having now is the game has an option to bind both "look left" and "look right"...but when I try to do that, they both come up as "X-Axis" when I move the Rift in either direction...and when I start the game, only looking to the right works (looking left does nothing). I don't know if I can split the axis in Freepie, or trick the game into thinking it's a different axis or what. But I feel like I'm so close, I can't stop now. Any help is greatly appreciated. Here's the script I'm working from.

Code: Select all

#maximum angle reached by your trackIR (game value)
maxanglex = 100
maxangley = 100
# Change this if you want quicker mouse movement:
mousemultiply = 20
#how much do you lean to trigger the button (trackIR.z value)
lean = -50
lean2 = -10
#nonlinear values
nlmult = 2.5
nlstart = 12
intvalue = 16384

# The non linear function :
# angle = trackIR.axis value
# maxa = trackIR axis maximum angle
# intv = intvalue
# mult = non linear multiplicator
# nlstart = until which trackIR.axis angle do the nonlinear part works
def nonlinear(angle, maxa, intv, mult, nlstart):
	offset = int(round((intv*nlstart*mult)/maxa)) - int(round((intv*nlstart)/maxa))
	offset2 = int(round(offset/((intv-offset)/float(intvalue))))

	if angle < nlstart and angle > -nlstart:
		vjoyaxis = -int(round((intv*angle*mult)/maxa))

	elif angle >= nlstart:
		vjoyaxis = -int(round(((intv - offset2)*angle)/maxa)) + offset2

	elif angle <= -nlstart:
		vjoyaxis = -int(round(((intv - offset2)*angle)/maxa)) - offset2

# the code
def update():
	if (not running):
	if (enabled):
		mouse.deltaX =*mousemultiply
		mouse.deltaY = -(*mousemultiply)
	else :
		vJoy[0].rx = nonlinear(oculusVR.yaw, maxanglex, intvalue, nlmult, nlstart)
		vJoy[0].ry = nonlinear(oculusVR.pitch, maxangley, intvalue, nlmult, nlstart)

	if oculusVR.roll > lean and oculusVR.roll < (lean + 5) :
	else :	
	if oculusVR.roll > lean2 and oculusVR.roll < (lean2 + 5):
		vJoy[0].setButton(1, True)
	else : 
		vJoy[0].setButton(1, False)
if starting:
	enabled = False
	running = True
	oculusVR.update += update
toggle = keyboard.getPressed(Key.Tab)

disable = keyboard.getPressed(Key.F11)

if disable:
	running = not running 
	vJoy[0].rx = 0
	vJoy[0].ry = 0
	vJoy[0].z = 0

if toggle:
	enabled = not enabled[0].rx)[0].ry)

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:35 am
by frl
Really useful addition to be able to load a script from the command line. Is it possible to have FreePIE automatically a start a script that is loaded this way?

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 4:40 pm
by CyberVillain
Sorry not yet, im working on a command pattern that will let you control stuff like that. But time, I need more time! Sleep is overrated

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:37 pm
by frl
No worries - for now it's just nice to save a few mouse clicks and have the script load automatically!

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:21 am
by peo930
Hello, I've went through the whole forum and couldn't find any info,
has anyone found a way to emulate Oculus Rift DK1/DK2 output?

I have a DIY rift using an android device and I want to test the Oculus Unity demos.

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 11:06 am
by CyberVillain
The only way would be to emulate the HID

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 12:23 pm
by CyberVillain
New version, see first page for change log

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:13 pm
by NeoTokyo_Nori
CyberVillain wrote:New version, see first page for change log
The new update of FreePIE with DK2 support was announced so un-assumingly that I almost completely missed it :!:

I have been taking a look at the FreePIE source code, in an attempt to roll a plugin, and all I can say is, its pretty much rocket science to me, and it is amazing that CyberVillan works on all of this, maintains and publishes it for free, not because he has lots of free time, but by carving time out of his demanding work and life, and making it possible for hacks like myself to come and use the code in an attempt to make something interesting to use for games and VR.

And also doing this while the hype around VR is ramping up, and we are going to see more products
popping up that will claim to deliver VR experiences and features, and charge you plenty for it, yet many are going to fail to deliver real value, through over-promising, bad implementation, bad integration, etc. etc. So it is great that there is something which makes it possible to hack and make something to use for ourselves.

So I would like to take a minute to thank CyberVillan and the contributors for working on FreePIE and
providing it as opensource software. The world would be a much less interesting place without it :!:

Cheers! :woot

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 2:12 pm
by CyberVillain
Thanks for the kind words, freepie is a really fun project to work on, I just wished I had the time to implement all the cool features it deserves.

About creating plugins, have you looked at the wiki? ... evelopment

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:25 am
by NeoTokyo_Nori
CyberVillain wrote:Thanks for the kind words, freepie is a really fun project to work on, I just wished I had the time to implement all the cool features it deserves.

About creating plugins, have you looked at the wiki? ... evelopment
I am going to have to do a lot of reading up an the material :)

In the meanwhile, can you please tell me if the IO Plugin is something I can use for what I have been trying to do so far?

Plus a quick shout out to the peoples who worked on/working on verieo and dk1 opensource.
You are awesome too :woot

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 3:32 am
by CyberVillain
The IO plugin is used to write or read values to a third party software. So it can't be used here. I'm out of town over the weekend but will try to look at the generic plugin as soon as possible

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:16 pm
by Professor_Hoover
I've been trying to set up an iOS based headtracker using an Ipod Touch 4g. My sensor streaming app won't communicate with FreePIE (Column order isn't being received). The documentation for the app has the format for the data. Since it won't autodetect the column order, is there any way for me to hardcode it? I notice that the source shows how the autodetection works, but I don't have any C experience so I don't know how to modify that and compile it into the right DLLs.

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:03 am
by CyberVillain
You need to start FreePIE before you start the app on the phone, if it misses the first package it wont work since it contains the column definition

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:10 am
by Professor_Hoover
I am doing that, and I've forwarded the ports.
The code I found on this forum (apparently iphone and ipod are interchangable, correct me if I'm wrong) is here:

Code: Select all

if  starting:
   iPhone.continuousYawMode = True

yaw = -math.degrees(iPhone.yaw)
pitch = -math.degrees(iPhone.roll)

mouse.deltaX = * 10)
mouse.deltaY = * 10)
I start the FreePIE script, wait a few seconds, then hit the send button on the app so it begins streaming. I then get the error.

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:18 am
by CyberVillain
You get this error? "Sensor app did not send column order in expected time frame"

The code waits 10 seconds for the sensor app to start sending data otherwise it will throw that error. A bit dumb maybe :D

Also, I see that brantlew determines if its the column definition by checkign if the first word is 'Timestamp' by doing

Code: Select all

if (fields[0] == "Timestamp")
Is this true for you configuration too?

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:56 am
by Professor_Hoover
Yeah, that's the one.
If by the 0 field, you mean the first byte, no, according to the documentation the first byte in the header is labelled 0x46 ('F'), followed by 0x53('S'), 0x01(Packet Version) and 107(Body size). The body is accelerometer, gyroscope, teslameter, location and touch locations, in that order. The only data my ipod actually produces is accelerometer, gyro, location and touch. So it seems like this app produces an incompatible format?

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:05 am
by CyberVillain
Are you sure you have the right Sensor app?

This is the format that the iPhone plugin expects ... 40#p151391

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:20 am
by Professor_Hoover
No, I got a cheaper app. I might as well get that one, I guess, since its supported by default and it seems to be the one everyone here uses. Thanks for the help.

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:46 pm
by frl
Just stopping by to say thanks for v1.6.512.0. I changed my pedal setup today and groaned when I realised the new setup uses X/Y rotation... I thought I was doomed until seeing the new version introduced support for this - and being able to start a script automatically at start-up is an added bonus. Perfect timing!

Cheers Anders!

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:19 pm
by CyberVillain

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:57 pm
by CyberVillain
New version

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:30 am
by konstantin_lozev
I wanted also to thank to CV and CR for all the efforts in keeping the PIE alive after its "Glove" brother went astray :)
I have come up to 2 questions in my recent experiments:
1. I was doing some experiments with the gyro on a Kindle Fire (don't ask why...) with the FreePIE IMU .apk and found it had some drift. There are alternatives to this .apk on the Google playstore, the most popular one being Wireless IMU. My question would be - does anyone have better experience with that one compared to the FreePIE IMU .apk?
2. Is a wireless touchpad like this one ( ... 01M8RGLL28) supported by FreePIE? I have a crazy idea to tie the iron sights button in FPSs to a touch of the plastic gun's stock (with appropriate cheap material stuck on it) against the wireless touchpad attached to your shoulder (GlovePIE had support for touchpads, I think...). Or is there a cheaper and more reliable implementation?

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:12 am
by CyberVillain
If it relies on the internal fusion of the Android SDK it shouldn't be any difference. Have you tried?

Re: FreePIE official thread

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:47 am
by konstantin_lozev
CyberVillain wrote:If it relies on the internal fusion of the Android SDK it shouldn't be any difference. Have you tried?
I have not tried, but I was also not able to connect it to FreePIE (understandable), so I can't measure. I found now this on youtube, which suggests that there is no internal Kalman filter to the Wireless IMU...
Anyway, it seems that my biggest battle with most electronics that I have is inadvertently drift...
Any info on touchpad support? I would guess not, but still wanted to ask.