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Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:37 pm
by cybereality
@Costen: Ok cool, thanks for the suggestions. My brother has been bugging me about getting Slenderman working. I bet its easy so I may do this next. Amnesia would be cool also.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:59 pm
by k2k
hi cyber would be good if you could aa3 running with novint looking into putting haptic feedback on with the xio

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:59 pm
by cybereality
New video is up:


Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:26 pm
by Fredz
Very nice ! Downloading now, can't wait to test that on my awful rig. :mrgreen:
Updated my list of supported games too...

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:45 pm
by Namielus
Is it descent II? I thought it was descent

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:57 pm
by Fredz
If you talk about the last vid Cyber posted it's from Left4Dead, Descent II support is talked about in this thread :

The video is very good, the warp seems totally correct to me, although I don't have a real Rift and don't know if it'll be good for it.

The proportions of the rooms and characters seem quite right, the only gripe I have compared to the previous one (not corrected) is the crosshair which wasn't as annoying and the "convergence plane" (don't know if it's correct in this case) which seems to be closer. It's uneasy on my eyes to look at the gun or to zombies or teammates when they are close to me. It wasn't the case with your other video (Test 5).

Also it's headache inducing with that much fast movements, the pace of the previous vid was slower and easier for my eyes.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:00 pm
by Namielus
Im talking about the fact that at no point in the thread you are linking to , is descent II mentioned.
They are saying descent, it might still in fact be descent II, but this is the reason i am asking.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:04 pm
by Fredz
That's because I know this game and have also installed d2x-xl on my machine, which is shown in the bottom right corner of the screenshot. Yes, I've got a good attention to details... ;)

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:18 pm
by Namielus
Ok, thank you.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:37 pm
by cybereality
Just realized the video is cross-eyed and would need to be parallel to view on the Rift. Will have to make another vid.

@Fredz: I tried to keep the depth to a reasonable amount, but I was free-viewing it so maybe it looks different on a device. Will test on the HMZ-T1 next time.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:31 pm
by Fredz
In fact I'm just stupid, I watched the video in it's native cross-eye format and I didn't even thought about it. Now I understand why only the far objects and characters were easy on the eyes, there's not much disparity past a certain distance.

I read once about a VR test where the engineers forgot to correctly set up the rendering, so everything was in pseudo stereo. And When they told testers that the rendering was inverted they didn't believe them.

I thought those testers were dumb not seeing this, and although I'm very picky about all this I didn't think it could happen to me also. The reason they gave was that the immersiveness was much more prevalent than stereoscopy, and know I tend to believe them.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:37 pm
by Fredz
cybereality wrote:I tried to keep the depth to a reasonable amount, but I was free-viewing it so maybe it looks different on a device.
How do you set up the depth ? Do you use a metric scale correspondance for the scene (ie. 8 units = 1 foot in Quake 3 for example) and use a common eye separation of 6.5 cm ?

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:45 pm
by sellars
Just caught up with this thread after assembling a Rift like DIY box – I was wondering what was going on with that latest video - could feel that eye strain / cross talk strain going on - didn't think to check that the video might be at fault! :)

From the 'can't wait til december' thread, Palmer posted this about the 5x aspheric lenses I'm now using:
PalmerTech wrote:Those lenses are nice, but the field of view is quite a bit lower than the optics in the Rift. I used those UltraOptix lenses for some prototypes, but we are having custom lenses made. Cheaper, and even more geometric distortion = high pixel density in the center! Another thing to note: Because you are using a pure SBS signal, the center of each image is only 60.5mm apart, not the 65mm or so that is an average IPD. Because of this, you will have to move the lenses closer together than they should be to shift the image outwards, which means the exit pupil is not perfectly aligned. It works for testing, but does a lot better when you can shift the center of each image a few millimeters outward..
Is your driver dealing with the latter part of that already (the none-pure SBS, where the two camera viewpoints are slightly shifted?

Many thanks for your work so far btw - if you need someone to test/try to make throw up spectacularly, let me know :)

(Mirror's Edge made me feel ill in 2D, damnit)

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:35 pm
by 3dvison
Hey cybereality,
How well do you now have Half-Life 2 working with your driver ?
Also how well did Deus Ex(The first one) work ?

Two games I would like to play on the RIFT.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:49 pm
by android78
Good work there Cyber. Do you know why the invisible wall at 34 seconds though? I would have thought that the wall would be invisible for one eye only (assuming that you are shifting one eye left and one right from the games normal view), not both at the same time.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:42 pm
by cybereality
@Fredz: No problem man, I have done the same thing while testing, it happens. I am not doing anything scientific to adjust the depth. I am just doing it by eye (its adjustable with hot-keys).

@sellars: Right now I am doing basic side-by-side (imagine 2 camera starting in the center and moving away from each other). I also have an offset amount that moves both cameras left or right (to help center the gun). To adjust the center point of each screen I would probably need convergence controls, but this is experimental right now.

@3dvison: HL2 is working, actually every game I have tried of the Source Engine seems to work. The old Deus Ex I think used DirectX7 or something old, which I am not supporting. I may be able to get the new one working, but I haven't looked into it yet.

@android78: The invisible wall is because I am messing with the camera but not adjusting the view frustum. The reason it happens in both eyes is because I have another offset parameter that moves both cameras additionally in one direction or another. This is to get the gun aligned better (sort of like the left-shift in IZ3D driver). But if you move the camera too much, then stuff will disappear.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:56 pm
by 3dvison
Great cybereality,
Would love to play HL2 with the RIFT.
What controller or controllers do think will be the best to use with the RIFT and HL2 ?

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:26 pm
by cybereality
@3dvison: Well the Razer Hydra is pretty cool, decent for a sit down setup. I also had some success with the Wiimote w/ Motion+.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:39 am
by 3dvison
It does seem like the Hydra is talked about alot.
I guess if I am going to have your 3D driver and a RIFT the Hydra sounds like one of those first buy, must buy items.
Since the RIFT will come with a head tracker the Hydra seems like the best starting point to add to that headtracker.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:59 am
by Namielus
I seem to remember someone talking about issues using the hydra together with rift. Compatibility/Tracking issues.
But I just cant find the thread, does anybody have any opinions on this?

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:07 am
by brantlew
It's not compatibility, it's accuracy that is supposed to be a little off. But while it may not have perfect performance, many people seem to think it works well enough. Personally I think the biggest issue is just mechanical since it's only a wired solution. I bought a Hydra last week, but have been too busy to take it out of the box. In a few weeks I am hoping to check it out for myself and maybe add FreePIE support for it.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:02 pm
by brantlew
Hey Cyber, have you tried to tackle SkyRim yet? I know Emerson did some work on it, but just curious if you had added some improvements to his implementation?

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:20 pm
by cybereality
I do not have SkyRim, so I haven't tried it yet. I will put it on the list though and get to it when I can.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:24 pm
by Namielus
Why dont you put up a donation system.
Im sure people would donate a few dollars to get you the games needed.
Maybe you can offer a discount on the final product for the people who have donated

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:26 pm
by cybereality
Well this is going to be a commercial product, so I wouldn't feel right asking people for donations and still charging money for the driver.

Don't worry though, I have no problems investing in this myself and buying whatever games I need to get to make this a success.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:28 pm
by brantlew
What about a game loan system. People could loan out games they wanted implemented so you don't have to eat the cost of acquiring games.

Or of course a KickStarter. Up-front cash to purchase a bunch of games

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:31 pm
by cybereality
I think I will be alright for now. But thanks for the suggestions.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:36 pm
by brantlew
Also, have you been keeping your warp correction up to date with the marbas reference? Since he's got Oculus verifying his warping it would be a good way to proof your model.

Edit: Nevermind. I see Dycus has been watching your videos as well.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:52 pm
by cybereality
Spent the afternoon trying to get Slenderman working, but there are major problems with it. I thought it would be easy since its such a simple game but far from it.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:08 pm
by Namielus
I thought slenderman was open source, more precisely I spoke to someone who claimed to have access to the unity project files for slenderman from some developer forum

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:07 am
by Dom
Hi, Have you been using "pure 16 Bit color mode" at all? And a funky resolution that is square not widescreen or even emulate 1000x1000 pixels? I tried it before and solved alot of those rendering bugs. Also you could try and run a tv tuner emulator pink static in the renderer. I was using the old school nvidia driver at the time.

If all else fails maybe just change the camera position lower or have it bodened higher. Usually some auto movement will diminish the feel of anomolies.

Just to make sense of my post is that when I tested the above methods for 1000x1000 and tv tuner in the background renderer is that it made the shaders or shadows and certain textures look like silk. Reguarding the pure 16 bit color mode its the safest and most robust "fastest" rendering mode that Could make the shadows and other anomolies go away. I think alot of the indie games or certain games do like to render better in 16 bit even though they were forced to render in 32 bit color mode.

But another thing that was mentioned before on was that it would be possible to use an mpeg dxva in either software or if the person has hardware support to help video render in stereo3d. I guess if a game only uses 15% cpu then you could have 50% used from software mpeg dxva into your driver.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:48 am
by kalabalik
Cyber, is there any possibility to add Aerofly FS to the list of upcoming games to be supported?
That flight "sim" is completely playable with minimal stick settings and such so you can fly around somewhat arcadeish but with a phenomenal wind simulation and gorgeous vistas; so I'd think that would be a real nice addition to Rift games :)

Thanks mate, been following your work at the tube and all these threads. Great work :)

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:04 am
by cybereality
@kalabalik: I can look into it.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:12 am
by kalabalik
cybereality wrote:@kalabalik: I can look into it.
That'd be awesome to say the least!


Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:36 pm
by cybereality
Got SkyRim mostly working (except shadows):
Cross-eye image.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:47 pm
by Namielus
Is that with mouse emulation or full head tracking?

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:48 pm
by android78
Skyrim's looking great!
Aerofly looks like it would be fantastic with the rift too. ;-)

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:50 pm
by cybereality
Namielus wrote:Is that with mouse emulation or full head tracking?
I haven't got the head-tracking in yet, I will do that this week.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:59 pm
by brantlew
Nice. SkyRim is a must have VR game and should be absolutely stunning on the Rift. I'm really surprised you didn't already own it.

Re: Cyber's DIY Stereo Driver [Work Log]

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:14 pm
by Namielus
Damn Warner Bros if they successfully stop the Lord of the rings mod for skyrim.
Its 9 times bigger, and has alot of incredibly beautiful landscapes.