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Realistic. That's what S-3D is.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:52 pm
by GT-Force
We perceive real life in S-3D and S-3D displays display in S-3D. This means S-3D is more realistic than just P-3D (Plain-3D or Planar-3D :P ).
So, "More realistic" should have been a choice for sure.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:39 pm
by chilledsanity
Yeah for me the main reason it's more immersive. I guess that falls under game being more fun, but I guess it's more of an experience. I'd love to feel like I was really inside the game and S-3D is a step closer to that.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:25 pm
by thud
I voted for "Games are more fun in S-3D". They might also be more beautiful,
although as S-3D doesn't actually ADD any visual information that seems to
be impossible.

Games are flat without it; games that are good without it seem to be better
with it, but games that I wouldn't enjoy much otherwise can become really
enjoyable because of it. In fact, I have started looking at games based on
what people have said here about how good they are in S-3D. For example,
'Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened' or 'Perimeter'.

SH:TA is a pretty standard type of point-and-click adventure (although they
really tried pretty hard - and mostly successfully - to add some depth to the
play). But in S-3D it is really immersive, just wandering around and looking
at stuff is very entertaining.

Perimeter seems to be a standard RTS, the type of thing I really don't enjoy
much. But it's pretty stunning in S-3D, really compelling.

I'm not sure about 'Silent Hunter III' (another RTS/submarine warfare game)
as you don't normally spend too much time in the actual submarine itself
(try Shift-F2 to wander around), so it actually seems to play just as well
without S-3D (which means daylight is not a problem).

So, S-3D seems to be pretty well-known in the shooter world (Far Cry,
RTCW, STALKER, etc, etc) but actually has just as much to offer in games
where good depth perception is not actually an advantage.

--- My opinions as always

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:01 pm
by Likay
It is visually beautiful: Well, it sure do add another dimesnions to the games doesn't it? :D

It satisfies my ego to use it: Hehe. Got me there. I always had a fetisch for odd things that others don't have or don't know about. But regarding 3d i have always been fascinated by the subject. All since i was a little boy with the first stereovision googles.. (you know the ones you can look on stereopictures in). but still.... :oops:

Games are more fun in S-3D: Absolutely. I suck at fearcombat and suck even more playing it in 3d. But i rather die some more times in 3d than makes some more frags in flat 2d. :P

I play better in 3D than in 2D: Not concerning all games but my fave games are non-playable without 3d. Well, at least for me now. Not disliking it though. :)

I want to own the latest and greatest things: Look above... i'm more addicted to odd things than status things. Kinda bohemian. :lol:

I'm popular because of it: No change,I was popular before. :D

I ran out of things to buy for my computer: Is that possible??? :lol:

It makes my computer seem different from everyone else's: I rather point out that others also can have 3d if certain criterias is fulfilled and help them to accomplish it.

Even so i voted "it's visually beautiful" but 3d satisfies a lot more than that. But this is my first choice :D


Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:22 pm
by chilledsanity
I have to disagree for helping me play better. For things like Quake 3 or UT2004, I definitely play better with 2D, where I have a crosshair and have real twitch reactions. In 3D, there's a delay when your eyes adjust to different depths. As for making your computer different, I only bring that up when somebody is trying to be a prick and mentions all these great specs he has because he has a lot of money "I have an SLI 8800 with these framerates blah blah". In those cases I like to say "too bad your games are FLAT". I tend to leave out the part about ghosting and Nvidia's driver support in those conversations though.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:07 am
by RAGEdemon
Just my 2 cents, I think an option that would apply to a lot of us would be "the game experience is much more intense" :P

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:23 pm
by Bo_Fox
I think the best answer would be "Because it's AMAZING!"

I'd love to promote S-3D to all others and boost demand for it so that companies will start taking it seriously (ATI, especially). I mean, it's already the 21st century and people are still satisfied with plain 2-D gaming. Imagine porn in S-3D where images can pop out of the screen and make it feel like as if you can reach out and touch it at say, as little as 18 inches from your eyes?

The companies like IZ3D are the visionary ones who try to capitalize on the future's potential. Perhaps we will need to do it through the porn business first to attract enough attention/demand so that S-3D will finally be ubiquitious.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:36 pm
by zeox
Games are defenetely more fun with S-3D. I've been playing a lot in S-3D on my old GF4 MX440, games like Gothic I and II, Expandable, Slave Zero, GIANTS: Citizen Kabuto, really rocked back then in S-3D. Later I upgraded to Radeon 9600 and it was a very bad surprise that Radeons don't support s-3d on driver level... I could only play Serious Sam in anaglyph (it is built into the game). I was looking for some way, to play S-3D on Radeon, even Joined a petition to ATi to do something about their drivers :D. I really don't play much games lately, but I bought a GF 6600GT just for the S-3D.
NFS: MOST WANTED in anaglyph on a LCD projector just blew me away last winter :lol:

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 9:05 am
by InCytE
I picked the "more fun" option. For me that option included visually beautiful. But beyond that it is more immersive. For example in S-3D I often try to peek around corners :lol: when playing FPS. This never happens when I play in regular 2D. That is the best example of how S-3D makes the games more real, hence more immersive and ultimately more fun.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:11 pm
by Likay
It's 3D! what else to say?? Playing a good game in 3d takes you right into the game. If a game is good developed you actually dream yourself away to another world while playing just like being there! That's impossible with 2 dimensions only. The experience is way more intense. I still try to duck from flying objects even if i know it's fruitless, i still can't sit still in the couch when playing. Besides: I'm still SO amused when someone who has no experience of 3D is watching 3D for the first time. :lol:
3D-gamers are living in dreams (good or bad depending on games) ;)


Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:47 pm
by Bo_Fox
Now, I wish I could change my vote to "I'm popular because of it," because every time I showed it to my friends or family members, they think it's "whoa!"

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:15 am
by wuhlei

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:26 pm
by yuriythebest
I like stereo 3d for the same reason I like 5.1 sound- it's better than 1 channel sound :)

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:59 pm
by Sjonnie
Hmm, they all are part of my motivation to use 3d, except for the option "I play better in 3d than in 2d", but that may change when I switch tomorrow from anaglyphs to Zalman :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:43 pm
by Elfihn
My first choice was "It is visually beatiful"
My second choice would be "I play games better in 3D than I do in 2D"
My third: "It makes me popular" 8)

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:30 pm
by neilthecellist
Denaris wrote:I kind of had a hard time between the "visually beautiful" and "games are more fun" options.
Exactly how I felt!

Seriously though, if a person has never played Crysis in S-3D, they have seen NOTHING in games (ok that was over-generalizing, but still...)

Now, if only v1.09 of the iZ3D drivers would work for me...

Re: Why Do You Like S-3D?

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:50 pm
by Freke1
As GT-Force correctly states 3D makes it look more real.
That is really what it is all about. It just looks so much more real.
I guess it's so damn obvious that we don't think about it, right?
That's also why we like High resolution, big FOV, headtracking, positional audio, Voice over IP etc.
3D gives us reality, or a alternate reality (for me anyway).

Re: Why Do You Like S-3D?

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:16 pm
by neilthecellist
I almost feel euphoric when I activate 3D.

If you've ever activated Stereo-3D in the Presidium in Mass Effect, you know what I mean. You almost want to reach out and jump into your monitor... The place is huge, it's futuristic, it's big, it's peaceful, yet bustling with activity, it's a global society that spans far beyond globes/planets themselves. It's the CITADEL of Mass Effect, in total 3D!

(Sorry for sounding like an advertisement, but I felt so moved by seeing the Presidium the first time in stereo-3D)

Re: Why Do You Like S-3D?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:27 pm
by kekewons

First post here (hello all). A bit of a personal intro too (re: my own S3D experience so far).

FWIW, I discovered your site (and forums) by way of a link put up in the "Nvidia 3D forum" by one of your members a few days ago, after the Nvidia 3D announcement at CES 2009.

Don't remember offhand who it was who steered me here, but I certainly thank you for the link. It's always nice to find "fellow believers," as regards anything....


To the question: I like S3D mostly because of the sheer immersion factor. It's very, very good when you get it configured right (and I'm convinced, too, that it can be made "nearly perfect" if tweaked just right).

Caveats: From my perspective, to be reasonably immersive, the stereo image must be pretty near lifesize (or at least somewhat close to lifesize).

I have been using S3D, off and on, for several years now, but it was only when I began to use it in concert with a DLP projector (and true lifesize image) that it really began to "pop" for me.

My first setup was using a Mitsubishi 2060 20" CRT monitor with I-Art 3D glasses (two pair, one wireless). Good...and certainly eyecatching...but not great with the sim-racing (driving) apps I most wanted to use it with. I was able to use the glasses at 120Hz (great monitor, btw, and one which had a "superbright" feature too which was obviously quite helpful in combatting the overall loss in brightness due to strobing of the glasses).

The "believeability" issue, for me, lay with the overall size of the image. Since the best I could generally do was something like 1/4th-1/3rd a lifesize FOV (and image), it never really felt like I was driving a full size car, but rather something more like a very small go-kart.

Things took a turn for the better a couple years back when a family member bought a NEC LT180 DLP (1024x768) projector...and I was able to borrow it for some extended testing. :D

That projector throws a much larger image than most at a shorter range...which meant I was able to mount it (temporarily) just over and behind my head and project the image onto a screen just only 24-30" ahead of me (right behind my race-cockpit's steering wheel). Moreover, because the simulation I currently drive ("rFactor." Go to "" for more info) allows FOV (field of view) adjustments I was finally able to tweak things so that I was seeing:

A) A horizon located AT the true horizon, and not above it--my legs protrude, quite literally THROUGH my viewscreen--a significant portion of the image is projected below the horizon, and into the lower left and lower right corners of my screen (I'm hypersensitive to this "true horizon," for whatever reason, so for me, having it exactly level to the "height" of my eyes is very important );
B) An overall size of the relative screen elements that is very, very close indeed to reality, and;
C) An overall level of brightness that (mostly) offset the negative effect of using the shutterglasses.

It wasn't perfect--the best the projector will do (@1024x768) is 85Hz, but that still gave me 42Hz per eye, which was certainly usable for me.

There were color-shimmer issues (due the the speed of the colorwheel (I think) vs, the strobe rate of the glasses), but they were certainly not show-stoppers.

I very much enjoyed using the rig, and was able to drive for many hours at a stretch without headaches or other adverse vision effects, so I became a true convert to the technology (instead of merely a "near believer" (as when using the CRT).

I hope to borrow the projector again in the very near future to repeat the experiments once again (blown bulb replacement is on it's way in the mail), so if anyone should want more detail (settings, for example) I might be able to provide them.

In the meantime, and once again: "Hello to all." I hope I can contribute something useful as time goes on.

I certainly do think lifesize S3D is THE way to go, if you can manage to set it up.


Re: Why Do You Like S-3D?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:45 pm
by Neil
Welcome to the community!

We are always looking for new ideas, so please feel free to share.


Re: Why Do You Like S-3D?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:54 pm
by kekewons
Neil wrote:Welcome to the community!

We are always looking for new ideas, so please feel free to share.

Thank you, Neil, and glad to be here.

I do have a "few" questions, yes. (LOL. Literally hundreds I'm sure). :D

We'll get into it, no doubt.

Moreover, I look forward to it. :D


Re: Why Do You Like S-3D?

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:51 pm
by juGGaKNot
I don't even have it and i'm popular because of it.

Re: Why Do You Like S-3D?

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:24 am
by Ouais

If I don't consider first 3D experiences @ fun fairs (3D theaters with some short movies, like demos), I had the opportunity to watch U2-3D last year and as soon as the movie started, it just kicked ass.
It's simple, I was at the concert :)

HD provided so many details and 3D the depth (inside and outside) that I could easily imagine what it could be playing games with this techno, especially my favorite :
- mcrae (grid now), toca (grid now), pes.

Ah, wait, I also remember watching my grand father's stereo pictures his father made with a pretty old camera (a specific tool with 2 mirrors is used to watch these pictures. Note that it is so simple to have 2 sensors in one camera that for me, it took ages before fuji made it available).
