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Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:40 am
by ziphnor
Flassan wrote: One of the problems we have is explaining to you what it feels like, because that’s all that matters in VR. It’s a bit like trying to explain piano playing to someone who’s only seen pictures of them. I believe the only way to find out and explore the real value and potential of this technology is to get one.
That might be true, unfortunately it is not going to sell many WizDishes :) If the kicstarter price was significantly lower i would definitely have backed it just to try it out. However, with a price tag of £150 + £25 shipping for what appears to be a plate of slippery material and matching shoes does make me want to have some confidence that it will work for me. The Omni might be more expensive (especially shipped to EU), but it comes with a builtin tracking solution, and it looks fairly natural on video.

My concerns (which are somewhat aggravated by the few videos available) are:

* Side ways sliding when walking
It appears that peoples feet tend to slide sideways when walking, which at least appears to be somewhat uncomfortable. At the same time it appears to get people to turn their body side-to-side as they walk, which i at least from the outside appears to cause the image to shake a lot (more so than the regular head-bobbing of walking), but perhaps that is not so bad, since the body is actually matching the movement?

* Turning
I am worried that it feels unsafe / tricky to turn/re-orient while standing still with so little friction. I notice that on most of the videos people tend to rigidly keep their feet in the same position while looking around instead of moving their feet a little bit with them as they turn their body.

* Falling over
There are videos of people tipping over while using the Rift standing up without support. Personally i did not react that strongly to something like the roller coaster demo, but still it seems likely that you can disoriented easily ( for example if the game exposes the player to a situation where the avatar is about to fall), and on a slippery surface accidents just seem extremely likely.

* Similarity to skating
I suck at (roller)skating and skiing, so i am worried that this will translate into sucking at using the WizDish :)

The above might be good to keep in mind when doing more videos etc. I also agree with the others here that getting more backers will require more videos and reviews by someone unbiased.

Having tried out a Rift, i am 100% sure i will be buying one as well as fairly convinced that an ODT is going to add greatly to the immersion ( i already know that i wont be using the mouse to control the viewpoint as that makes me extremely motion sick, so i will definitely be needing to at least turn around physically). That makes me very interested in the ODT's and there is still time to convince me the WizDish is the way to go ;)

EDIT: With regards to the turning i noticed that this video shows somewhat more confident turns: ... yqBQ#at=46

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:02 am
by geekmaster
There is finally enough data for a kicktraq projection cone:

As of today, it is projected to end up from £8,385 and £14,941:


Of course, some convincing video and trusted testimonials (or a munificent benefactor) could change all that...

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:19 pm
by Fredz
Flassan wrote:Moving on, a nice lady from the New Scientist wrote an article about the WizDish which is on page 22 of this week’s edition (it quite fairly mentions the omni).
Here is the article : ... -foot.html

I think you should post about it as a kickstarter update by selecting the more favorable passages and insert the video if allowed to. The walking looks more natural than in most other videos, the chosen demo (Tuscany) and the pace seem to be really adapted to your product and the girl is gorgeous. That certainly helps selling a project...

In the same update you should also give a little description of your future biomechanical tests in the university lab, with some details about why you do them, how they'll be done and with who. It'll help reassure existing or future backers that you really care about safety, and it will give some sort of scientific caution to your project. Even if it's bullshit, marketing works like that.

I'm still not convinced by the project though, but I don't particularly want it to fail either. In this state, it doesn't stand a chance because of the feable marketing, you must do something about that.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:56 pm
by cybereality
As much as I'd like to see this project succeed, the huge air-bag in the video does not exactly instill confidence in the safety of this device.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:12 am
by mattyeatsmatts
But danger does add fun and skill

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:11 am
by Flassan
It would be a shame if taking safety seriously is always taken as evidence that something is dangerous, but I accept the point. I commissioned the crash mat to comply with university ethics so the WizDish can be used by members of the public in a CAVE. They don't want to use a frame because its causes a break-in-presence and prevents the Vicon camera system functioning. It was at my insistence, not the event organisers, that it was used at Inition, where the New Scientist, CNET, Wired, the Gaurdian, Gizmag and many others tried it. However, we have heard the many valid concerns and understand that some people want a frame, so we are looking at that as an option.
Without wishing to detract from that there are other equally valid safety methods that offer major advantages. Providing an uninhibited view of a player allows the full scope of using a camera solution like Kinect (and subsequent versions) to be realised. That includes being able to look down and see your whole body animated in a virtual world.
Overall, I think it's far too early to think that the single ultimate ODT has been found. Each design has to be tried so its benefits and drawbacks can be understood. If you frequently view this forum you are already VR pioneer and collectively we will refine VR to something that becomes relevant to a wide audience.
One of the major factors identified is price and we are working on some ideas of reducing that, probably starting with the USA, which I would like to ask you about.
I don't believe we should box VR into a niche within a niche where only those wealthy enough to own a large house can participate. If that happens even indie developers are going to struggle to justify catering for it in their games.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:04 am
by geekmaster
The kicktraq projection cone has gone up, which is a good sign for this project (but a lot more is needed).

Yesterday, the low and high estimates were from £8,385 to £14,941. Today the revised estimates go from £9,647 to £17,367.

At least it is moving in the right direction...

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:18 am
by ziphnor
Flassan wrote:It would be a shame if taking safety seriously is always taken as evidence that something is dangerous, but I accept the point.
I would still like to understand why it is that you think it so unlikely that people will slip and fall? How much experience do you have with the WizDish in more disorienting VR environments than say the Tuscany demo? Having watched all the videos of the WizDish, i am getting more and more intrigued and I wish i could try it out and see how it feels, unfortunately £150 is a bit much to pay to try it out :)
Overall, I think it's far too early to think that the single ultimate ODT has been found. Each design has to be tried so its benefits and drawbacks can be understood.
I would like to hear more about your opinions on the pro and cons(especially) of the WizDish. I can see it working without a support being a potential advantage (assuming people don't slip), and i can see an advantage in that you don't need to lean forward into the support as seems to be the case with the Omni. But i would also like to hear you opinion about its problems. For example, is it correct that your feet will tend to slide sideways as you walk (it looks like that on the videos? Perhaps some kind of side ways friction would be a good idea?)

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:29 am
by blazespinnaker
I suspect what's happened is that some people who are really good at using the Wizdish are projecting their experiences.

And it's true, if you've got your VR legs and good stability and you're familiar with the VR sim you're using, and you're wide awake - the wizdish is probably pretty safe (though I'm not sure I'd try jumping on it, regardless of how good I am).

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:09 pm
by Ziggurat
Well, Kinect and Windows 8 64Bit does not work... Yes I know Microsoft claims the 360 Kinect works with Windows 8, but no it does not.
I suspect Microsoft to not going to update support for the 360 Kinect to Windows 8 because, well they just dropped their whole partnership with the guys behind Kinect before they announced the totally in-house Kinect 2.

I'm not justifying buying another Kinect for Windows (expensive, not available in Norway, due to be refreshed).
And I simply do not want a dual boot option, and I try to avoid it to the point that I'm just stopped caring about all the cool stuff you can do with the Kinect if you have it set up on the computer.

I think you should make it clear on the kickstarted page that Kinect for 360 and Windows 8 is not working. (heck is even Kinect for Windows working on win 8?)

I know this sucks, but it will be crap for people who throw money your way, and wait the long wait just to find out that they need to buy another kinect or another windows license. I'd be mad as cow bells.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:18 pm
by Zoide
The Kinect not being supported under Windows 8 would be a pretty big deal. Are you sure?

"Is Kinect for Windows compatible with Windows 8?
Yes. Kinect for Windows supports the creation of Windows 8 desktop applications by using C++, C#, and Visual Basic.

Will Windows 8 limit the functionality of the Kinect for Windows sensor or SDK?
Not at all. You will be able to use all of the existing features of the Kinect for Windows sensor and SDK with Windows 8. In fact, you should see performance improvement due to Windows 8 operating system enhancements." ... ility.aspx

By the way, the new Xbox One Kinect for Windows developers is out at $399 :shock: ... ced-at-399

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:05 am
by Okta
Kinect is also not supported on XP so that leaves Vista and 7?

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:46 am
by Flassan
Hi ziphnor. Those are some really good questions so here goes

>If the kicstarter price was significantly lower i would definitely have backed it just to try it out. However, with a price tag of £150 + £25 shipping for what appears to be a plate of slippery material and matching shoes does make me want to have some confidence that it will work for me. The Omni might be more expensive (especially shipped to EU), but it comes with a builtin tracking solution, and it looks fairly natural on video.

A. I've only seen it look natural when Jan uses it. I'm not implying anything about that but given the appalling name VR has had we wanted to eschew any of the old tactics of selling the VR dream rather than proving the product. We therefore went deliberately the other way to show novice users trying it for the first time because we don't want anyone getting their WizDish and saying "well they didn't show that in the video". I feel that we have a moral obligation to disclose how you mount the device, put on and adjust any equipment and provide close-ups shots of every part.
As for the price it’s really hard when you don't know the volume, cannot therefore get accurate shipping quotes, the tax situation changes according to how many etc. These are effectively being custom made for you and we are taking a considerable risk because there is no way we won't deliver what we say. At around the price you might pay for say, a meal out, I'm hoping some will look at it as an affordable way to learn a lot and benefit from a very well designed exercise product.
I know Kickstarter require a working prototype but as I haven't seen the in-built tracking option you mention I'm afraid I can't comment on that.

>My concerns (which are somewhat aggravated by the few videos available) are:

* Side ways sliding when walking
>It appears that people’s feet tend to slide sideways when walking, which at least appears to be somewhat uncomfortable. At the same time it appears to get people to turn their body side-to-side as they walk, which i at least from the outside appears to cause the image to shake a lot (more so than the regular head-bobbing of walking), but perhaps that is not so bad, since the body is actually matching the movement?

A. Most of the people in the recent videos had only been on the device for a matter of seconds when filmed. I've never had an issue with sliding sideways. Your feet will naturally follow the very shallow curve of the dish which may account for what you see but I can assure you that you are unaware of it while using it. It is very easy to slide both feet out sideways if you want to and indeed we will be using that with head leaning to achieve strafing.

* Turning
>I am worried that it feels unsafe / tricky to turn/re-orient while standing still with so little friction. I notice that on most of the videos people tend to rigidly keep their feet in the same position while looking around instead of moving their feet a little bit with them as they turn their body.

A. Turning is an absolute joy on the WizDish. You can even spin round at least 180 degrees. Skateboarders and skaters love this! I also noticed that some people seemed afraid to turn at first until I showed them how easy it is. You can either pivot both feet to turn on the spot or naturally turn as you walk. Most people do all this without even thinking about it.

* Falling over
>There are videos of people tipping over while using the Rift standing up without support. Personally i did not react that strongly to something like the roller coaster demo, but still it seems likely that you can disoriented easily ( for example if the game exposes the player to a situation where the avatar is about to fall), and on a slippery surface accidents just seem extremely likely.

A. I won't say you can't fall but if you did you would tend to crumple with your arms out. If you wanted to play a violent game we would recommend you remove hard items from reach and put down something soft. This might be as simple as putting it next to the sofa and placing the sofa cushions around you. You would have to satisfy yourself that you could come to no harm. I don't want to diminish the argument for safety but it's also not right to exaggerate it either.
An astute person pointed out the other day that if you put a frame around it and it collapsed the frame breaks, but if it topples over you break! It's a serious point. Without a frame you wouldn't fall flat like a rake, but if you toppled in one, because Force = Mass x Acceleration, your whole body weight would accelerate until it hit the ground whereupon your spine might land on the rim that goes around the waist with a force far greater than your body weight.

The demo was challenging for two reasons. Firstly, we are improving the Kinect software (the Kinect 2 looks like it has near zero latency). Quite often the Kinect didn't stop you moving virtually the instant you did. That upsets your balance, at which point you understand why good positional tracking is needed. When you move you head side to side or back and fore and the video remains still, balancing becomes slightly more difficult for a moment. At least the Rift has a pretty good idea where down is and can automatically adjust the image to suit. With the Vuzix glasses you had to manually move the mouse so the horizon was about in the right place. Adding positional tracking should not only help balance but solve most of the nausea problems too. Stepping one step to the side can really upset your brain if the vision doesn't move with it.
The fact the WizDish keeps you in one place should help because it limits the amount of movement that's possible. It also doesn’t have to be super accurate. If you went 5 inches to the right but only 4 back again it probably wouldn't matter and would be infinitely better than nothing happening.

* Similarity to skating
>I suck at (roller)skating and skiing, so i am worried that this will translate into sucking at using the WizDish

A. :) I can't skate either despite years of trying. In fact the majority of people who've used it can't. The dish shape and the fact that our unique skates have a flat bottom controls the movement so for the first time you will find that you don't suck at skating. I guarantee it :) Actual skaters do find it very exciting though.

>The above might be good to keep in mind when doing more videos etc. I also agree with the others here that getting more backers will require more videos and reviews by someone unbiased.

A. I thought we'd done quite well in getting unbiased opinions. The videos show many well respected Journalists from the New Scientist, Wired, the Guardian, Gizmag, tehVerge etc. who have then written about their experience on the WizDish. I've not seen any of them do that with other devices even when they provide them with uncritical coverage.

Having tried out a Rift, i am 100% sure i will be buying one as well as fairly convinced that an ODT is going to add greatly to the immersion ( i already know that i wont be using the mouse to control the viewpoint as that makes me extremely motion sick, so i will definitely be needing to at least turn around physically). That makes me very interested in the ODT's and there is still time to convince me the WizDish is the way to go

A. please ask anything you like that will help convince you. We love getting intelligent questions. Having done this for years we tend to forget to mention things than have become obvious to us so it's great when people prompt us to.

>EDIT: With regards to the turning i noticed that this video shows somewhat more confident turns: ... yqBQ#at=46

>I would still like to understand why it is that you think it so unlikely that people will slip and fall? How much experience do you have with the WizDish in more disorienting VR environments than say the Tuscany demo?

A. The fact that you soon feel completely comfortable on the WizDish when you use it without video glasses and Kinect 1 proves to me that as those devices improve the WizDish will become more and more fun to use. Electronics and software become obsolete very quickly. Actually, as someone whose background is in those fields I was very keen to keep this passive and simple enough to use with any tech that happens to come along. There are significant issues with
meeting regulations when you build your own hardware and maintaining software to run on the latest OS patches and versions is not an insignificant task.
The reason you are unlikely to fall (as opposed to can't) is because your brain simply won't let you take risks unless you deliberately overcome your natural anxieties. If I asked you to walk around in a pitch black room where you couldn't trip over anything it would take you a while before you dared trying to walk fast or run. I think I mentioned that an interesting thing we noticed during the public trials was that the more cautious found it easier to walk on the WizDish when they wore the Rift because the vision matched their proprioception. Confident skaters were more likely to be initially thrown by the tracking but quickly acclimated to it. It's amazing what your brain can do! That's why VR is an incredibly fascinating subject, especially so because you have to experience it to understand it.

>I would like to hear more about your opinions on the pro and cons(especially) of the WizDish

A. I think that the amount of debate may have given the impression the cons are more significant than they are. I will agree that it’s possible to crumple down and that it needs better tracking to perform at its best. I think many were pleased that they bought the dev kit Rift a couple of years before the commercial version because they would otherwise have been missing out. It's not even as if we're saying you should buy this WizDish now and a better
one in a year or so, because we've gone to great lengths to ensure it's right. We've done our best to make the WizDish affordable at low volume. With the likelihood that it could improve your fitness, posture, balance and core stability I think you would be glad you decided to go for it now.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:59 am
by geekmaster
Flassan wrote:... >EDIT: With regards to the turning i noticed that this video shows somewhat more confident turns: ... yqBQ#at=46
Broken URL. You many need to copy it from an Edit box (or press Quote), before copying the link.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:35 pm
by Zoide
Flassan wrote:The videos show many well respected Journalists from the New Scientist, Wired, the Guardian, Gizmag, tehVerge etc. who have then written about their experience on the WizDish.
Where can I find a video of people from The Verge trying the WizDish? Thanks

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:05 pm
by geekmaster
Flassan wrote:... A. I think that the amount of debate may have given the impression the cons are more significant than they are. I will agree that it’s possible to crumple down ...
By "crumple down", do you mean that the WizDish itself can crumple (collapse)? wrote:crum·ple
1. To crush together or press into wrinkles; rumple.
2. To cause to collapse.
An irregular fold, crease, or wrinkle.
What is the weight limit for the WizDish? What is the maximum weight for a user to be able to jump up "over" obstacles in VR while using the WizDish? Your comment has raised a significant new concern for me, because I am a large person myself, and I would not be happy if my WizDish collapsed (crumpled) under my weight.

The Omni is seqmented, which gives it a lot of additional rigidity and support, and the segments could easily be filled with acoustic foam for even more support (and noise suppression).

What can be done to give the WizDish more load-bearing support (while maintaining its portability)?

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:10 pm
by NightlHlawk
geekmaster wrote:By "crumple down", do you mean that the WizDish itself can crumple (collapse)?
I'm pretty sure he means 'falling down' or over when he says 'crumple.'

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:39 pm
by geekmaster
NightlHlawk wrote:
geekmaster wrote:By "crumple down", do you mean that the WizDish itself can crumple (collapse)?
I'm pretty sure he means 'falling down' or over when he says 'crumple.'
As in "body falling". Usually people only "crumple" if unconscious while standing, or in extreme agony of pain. Crouching is not a synonym, either in the dictionaries, or in my Google searches (subject to the filter bubble effect).

In the USA, the most common usage of the word "crumple" is for an automobile "crumple zone" to provide impact protection, and to "crumple" a sheet of paper into a wadded-up ball of paper. There is no other common usage of that word that comes to mind.

The way I picture it in my mind, a crumpled WizDish might cause a crumpled body to fall on top of it.

Was "crouch" the word that was intended, instead of "crumple"?

If indeed the WizDish can crumple, it could have some a "honeycomb" support mesh added to its underside, but then it may not be stackable for bulk shipment. Not sure if it is now anyway, though. But safety first, before economy bulk shipping, I think.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:40 pm
by Zoide
NightlHlawk wrote:
geekmaster wrote:By "crumple down", do you mean that the WizDish itself can crumple (collapse)?
I'm pretty sure he means 'falling down' or over when he says 'crumple.'
Exactly. I think he used "crumple" as a euphemism for "fall".

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:49 pm
by geekmaster
Here is a crumple from a crushed ankle:

I do not know of any good crumpling kind of fall...

Crumpling usually involves severe pain, at least the way we use it in the USA were I live...

I guess we need flassan to explain what he meant by his "non-dictionary" usage of the word "crumple".

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:29 pm
by hast
geekmaster wrote:...Crumpling usually involves severe pain, at least the way we use it in the USA were I live...

I guess we need flassan to explain what he meant by his "non-dictionary" usage of the word "crumple".
Perhaps he is using it in a British-English context since he's from the UK? You know... the guys who invented the language you are speaking? ;-)

From the context it seemed quite obvious (at least to me, a non-native English speaker) that he was talking about the motion of a person falling over when they catch themselves.

That said, I'm still a bit concerned that if you were to fall over. Or specifically slip and fall (if you lean too much on the WizDish I imagine you can cause your feet to slide out from under you?) then you can have a bad fall since the VR world won't accurately track your real world position so the VR world may fool you when you try to catch yourself.

That said, I did get in on the Kickstarter and I think it will be a lot of fun to use it in less critical applications. So great for stuff when you are walking around in things like Tuscany. Perhaps not suitable for high speed games like Doom3 or TF2.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:56 pm
by NightlHlawk
geekmaster wrote:As in "body falling". Usually people only "crumple" if unconscious while standing, or in extreme agony of pain. Crouching is not a synonym, either in the dictionaries, or in my Google searches (subject to the filter bubble effect).

In the USA, the most common usage of the word "crumple" is for an automobile "crumple zone" to provide impact protection, and to "crumple" a sheet of paper into a wadded-up ball of paper. There is no other common usage of that word that comes to mind.

The way I picture it in my mind, a crumpled WizDish might cause a crumpled body to fall on top of it.

Was "crouch" the word that was intended, instead of "crumple"?

If indeed the WizDish can crumple, it could have some a "honeycomb" support mesh added to its underside, but then it may not be stackable for bulk shipment. Not sure if it is now anyway, though. But safety first, before economy bulk shipping, I think.
Oh, I'm aware of how the word is usually used. I don't know how the word translates in UK English, but I just read it as falling like he used the word incorrectly (from my US English understanding of the word).

But yes, crumpling does bring to mind not-so-good images. lol

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:38 pm
by Flassan
Wow, thanks for letting me know geekmaster. It's that two countries divided by a common language thing again :)
I meant it as to fall harmlessly, in a similar way to how you might fall from say a squatting position. Because you're not given the impression you can throw your weight around recklessly you simply don't. As it happens it would be a simple matter to reinforce it with filler should you wish to but it's coped with just over 100Kg (220lb) before.
Hi zoide. A senior editor of the Verge called Tom Warren and his partner tried it and both of them appear here:
It was he who said that was the first time the Rift hadn't made him feel sick. Just goes to show how important an ODT is ;)

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:45 pm
by Zoide
Flassan wrote:Hi zoide. A senior editor of the Verge called Tom Warren and his partner tried it and both of them appear here:
It was he who said that was the first time the Rift hadn't made him feel sick. Just goes to show how important an ODT is ;)
Thanks! That's great.

Would you happen to have longer versions of the demos that you can upload for us? One of my recommendations a few posts above is that the WizDish show longform demos/interviews such as the one that The Verge did for the Omni.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:50 pm
by Mystify
You keep saying you will catch yourself if you fall. What if you fall backwards?
You also seem to be assuming you people can get a clear area around them. That does not seem likely to me. If I had this in the house I grew up in, there would be no safe place to have it. If I tried putting it in my apartment, i'd have to empty out and devote the entire living room to it(This is an option in my apartment and not a house because I'm a bachelor and can do stuff like that). Having a ODT in the first place requires singificant space, having a clear falling zone around it magnifies that needed space immensely.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:58 pm
by Flassan
Hi Mystify. If you have particular concerns the best way might be to buy an inexpensive full climbing harness and attach it via bungie rope to a ceiling hook.
Tensioned right that could be a lot of fun, allowing you to crouch really quickly and effortlessly and maybe even allow you to jump in the air for longer.
Actually that could be really cool!

Hi zoide. I'll ask the cameraman if he has anything amongst his rushes.
Thanks for your suggestion.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:01 pm
by mattyeatsmatts
there needs to be a cross country sking game, the Wizdish would be perfect for it.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:05 am
by ziphnor
Flassan wrote:'ve only seen it look natural when Jan uses it. I'm not implying anything about that but given the appalling name VR has had we wanted to eschew any of the old tactics of selling the VR dream rather than proving the product. We therefore went deliberately the other way to show novice users trying it for the first time because we don't want anyone getting their WizDish and saying "well they didn't show that in the video". I feel that we have a moral obligation to disclose how you mount the device, put on and adjust any equipment and provide close-ups shots of every part.
Thats true, you can definitely tell that Jan has experience in using it. My point was just that the Omni has a marketing advantage in that it lends itself well to video in general.
Flassan wrote: As for the price it’s really hard when you don't know the volume, cannot therefore get accurate shipping quotes, the tax situation changes according to how many etc. These are effectively being custom made for you and we are taking a considerable risk because there is no way we won't deliver what we say. At around the price you might pay for say, a meal out, I'm hoping some will look at it as an affordable way to learn a lot and benefit from a very well designed exercise product.
I can imagine it can be hard to get a good price with a low volume, but i think it is holding the kickstarter back, some early bird discounts would probably have helped get more backers and create some interest.
I know Kickstarter require a working prototype but as I haven't seen the in-built tracking option you mention I'm afraid I can't comment on that.
I don't think anyone else has seen of prototype of the tracking itself, but the Omni price does include tracking (see the kickstarter FAQ for more details). Ie. unlike with the WizDish you don't need to purchase a Kinect (or other tracker) which costs around £100 for the xbox version and £200 for the windows version. What exactly does the WizDish software comprise? Does it support both types of Kinect (never had a kinect)?
I've never had an issue with sliding sideways. Your feet will naturally follow the very shallow curve of the dish which may account for what you see but I can assure you that you are unaware of it while using it.
Maybe i am not explaining it very well. Looking at the videos it seems like peoples feet tend to move not straight back and forth, but in a sort of ellipsoid movement. Ie. they are sliding back and forth, but also a bit to the side, but being returned to the center because of the shallow curve.
Turning is an absolute joy on the WizDish. You can even spin round at least 180 degrees. Skateboarders and skaters love this! I also noticed that some people seemed afraid to turn at first until I showed them how easy it is. You can either pivot both feet to turn on the spot or naturally turn as you walk. Most people do all this without even thinking about it.
From the videos i can tell that turning while walking seems to work okay, i am mostly concerned with turning while standing still. Normally you do that by lifting one foot, and putting it down orthogonal to the other foot, put your weight on the moved foot, and move the other one to match. But as per my update i did find one video of exactly that( here: My concern was that you would slip in putting down the feet, and therefore have to turn in the same manner as you walk, by sliding.
I can't skate either despite years of trying. In fact the majority of people who've used it can't. The dish shape and the fact that our unique skates have a flat bottom controls the movement so for the first time you will find that you don't suck at skating. I guarantee it :)
Thats comforting to hear :)
I thought we'd done quite well in getting unbiased opinions. The videos show many well respected Journalists from the New Scientist, Wired, the Guardian, Gizmag, tehVerge etc. who have then written about their experience on the WizDish. I've not seen any of them do that with other devices even when they provide them with uncritical coverage.
Maybe i missed some of the videos, but the ones with journalists trying it out seem to only have very short clips of them walking and also not much of them talking about the experience? Something like the video The Verge did with the Omni would be useful. Also, most of the statements made are not very strong (maybe a british thing again? ;) Some real endorsements would be good.
I think what would be most convincing would be having someone who has experienced the Omni try it out as they would have something to compare against.
The reason you are unlikely to fall (as opposed to can't) is because your brain simply won't let you take risks unless you deliberately overcome your natural anxieties. If I asked you to walk around in a pitch black room where you couldn't trip over anything it would take you a while before you dared trying to walk fast or run.
I think the rift is quite different from a pitch black room, in that when you are blinded you are naturally careful, but if the Rift is showing you something that seems safe, you might not be careful. But a few sofa cushions on the floor might be all that is needed :)
I think that the amount of debate may have given the impression the cons are more significant than they are. I will agree that it’s possible to crumple down and that it needs better tracking to perform at its best.
Still, i would like to hear what you think are the cons of the WizDish approach :) I can understand the pro's now i think (no support getting in the way, no leaning forward etc), but understanding the drawbacks is also useful. For example is it possible to walk backwards? (i dont really think it is on the Omni, but still nice to know).

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:09 pm
by ziphnor
Hmm, having watched so many videos of the WizDish being used i decided that it actually looked like quite a lot of fun, completely independent of how well it works as an ODT for VR. Having watched all the videos, while people do look a bit "bambi on ice", they also don't look like their are going to fall over. So i decided to take a chance and back it :) Figured there is nothing preventing me from getting both this and the Cyberith Virtualizer once it starts a crowdfunding campaign.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:27 pm
by colocolo
ziphnor wrote:Hmm, having watched so many videos of the WizDish being used i decided that it actually looked like quite a lot of fun, completely independent of how well it works as an ODT for VR. Having watched all the videos, while people do look a bit "bambi on ice", they also don't look like their are going to fall over. So i decided to take a chance and back it :) Figured there is nothing preventing me from getting both this and the Cyberith Virtualizer once it starts a crowdfunding campaign.
Dont forget the Viiwok. ;)

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:15 pm
by ziphnor
colocolo wrote:Dont forget the Viiwok. ;)
That might be pushing it. I have the feeling that i would become unpopular with a certain someone at home if i tried to buy both a Cyberith Virtualizer and a Viiwok ;) The cyberith just seems more likely to actually happen, while i haven't seen anything of the Viiwork.

The WizDish is less of an issue that way, since it can be easily stashed away (= better WAF).

With a little luck i will be skating around on a Wizdish while keeping an eye on which of the other EU based ODT looks best :) Seriously though, i am thinking that the WizDish might not be so silly after all. I tried keeping an eye on how you actually walk, and the actual lifting of the foot really doesn't play a big part. I am guessing the WizDish will be quite good for slower paced VR exploration, but probably won't be so good for running around in action games.

If all else fails, i can use it for exercise during the winter time :) Of course, all that is assuming the kicstarter actually succeeds.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:09 pm
by colocolo
As i saw the Wizdish the first time on youtube i also thought that it could be a good alternative.
But after thinking about treadmills all day long, i thought that there should be sth more sophisticated for me(not that the Wizdishs surface isnt sophisticated at all). I don't talk about heavy ODTs with many moving parts or even electric.
I think a ODT which could be also foldable is within reach and not that far away. It will be the desire of the people to walk in VR freely and what will drive the innovation of many ODTs already next year, my guess.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:44 pm
by Zoide
ziphnor wrote:i haven't seen anything of the Viiwok
Luckily, there was an update today, and there might be a video tomorrow: ... 8&start=40

I'd love to see a head-to-head comparison of all the new-wave ODTs by someone like the people from The Verge! We just have to wait a few months :)

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:24 pm
by iKy1e
A question for Flassan: If the Kickstarter fails to meet it's funding goal would I still be able to purchase one?

Also what are the plans for tracking in the future?
I'm an OSX developer and so if you are using the official Kinect API's (which I presume you are), rather than something like OpenFreenect then I would be unable to use it.
Are there any plans for cross platform tracking, separate sensors or a plan to not require the Kinect in the future?

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:43 pm
by Okta
Flassan wrote:
As for the price it’s really hard when you don't know the volume, cannot therefore get accurate shipping quotes, the tax situation changes according to how many etc. These are effectively being custom made for you and we are taking a considerable risk because there is no way we won't deliver what we say. At around the price you might pay for say, a meal out, I'm hoping some will look at it as an affordable way to learn a lot and benefit from a very well designed exercise product.

I live in a disgustingly expensive city but that would have to be one hell of an extravagant meal out...

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:26 am
by ziphnor
Okta wrote:I live in a disgustingly expensive city but that would have to be one hell of an extravagant meal out...
Actually, not too hard to pay that. Just go to a good place with a Michelin star and get the full menu (at least here in Denmark). But you are right, not exactly a typical night out :) Perhaps he meant for the entire family? :)

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:28 am
by ziphnor
Zoide wrote: Luckily, there was an update today, and there might be a video tomorrow: ... 8&start=40
Good to hear, the more the merrier :)
I'd love to see a head-to-head comparison of all the new-wave ODTs by someone like the people from The Verge! We just have to wait a few months :)
Me to, but i think i am too hooked on the whole VR thing to wait :)

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:37 pm
by Flassan
That's fantastic ziphnor, thank you!
I have a feeling you're going to be very pleased with that decision :). I've been charging around getting a demo together so haven't had time to answer your further questions.
I hope to keep you all updated soon. We've found that the Kinect tracking can be made much better than we'd thought.
So many thanks to Neil and baggyg for Skyrim advice and THC for all your amazing help today.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:59 am
by TheHolyChicken
Glad I could help with the Kinect stuff. Good luck for today.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:49 am
by geekmaster
Today, the kicktraq projection cone has converged on a single pledge total that exactly matches the current pledge level (Funding: £4,308 of £50,000, Range: Low: £4,308, High: £4,308): ... projection

It seems unreasonable to predict (to an accuracy range of ZERO deviation) that there will be no additional pledges. What's up with kicktraq's strange projection cone estimation, in regards to the WizDish funding campaign?

Kicktraq trending shows £11,775, and you would think the projection cone would be large enough to contain the trending target amount. Right? Somehow these statistics seem a bit goofy to me...

How reliable is kicktraq anyway?