How Bad is the Nintendo 3DS "Depth Zone"? Lets see video

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How Bad is the Nintendo 3DS "Depth Zone"? Lets see video

Post by Silversurfer »

Joel Johnson — Nintendo's 3DS, their new handheld console, can show images with depth—it's real 3D. But because you don't have to wear glasses to play, you have to hold the 3DS somewhat precisely. But how precisely?

Turns out the distance you hold the 3DS from your eyes matters very little. On a table? At arm's length? Nearly at the end of your nose? No problem.

But the tricky part comes with side-to-side movement. It takes very little off-axis movement to throw the 3D depth effect out of whack. That's not a big deal for traditional games where you simply hold the 3DS and push buttons. But for games that involve the motion sensor—which includes some of our very favorite Augmented Reality modes—it's very easy to move it too far.

Just watch the video. When the screen is green, our lovely, young model is reporting an acceptable 3D depth effect. When it goes to red it's out of whack.

[Update] According to @rjmatt, "the industry term for autostereo 'depth zone' is 'head box'."!5783444/how-bad-is- ... s-show-you" onclick=";return false;
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Re: How Bad is the Nintendo 3DS "Depth Zone"? Lets see video

Post by Silversurfer »

okay, so it's nice to know in a video before you buy. But I don't think there is an issue here as the handheld is a personal device etc and it really wouldn't, I feel be restrictive in any way, shape or form to restrain your side to side movement such a light and portable device.
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Re: How Bad is the Nintendo 3DS "Depth Zone"? Lets see video

Post by cybereality »

For most games it is not a problem. But some games use motion controls, so when you have to move the system its easy to leave the "sweet-spot". But its not a huge issue, and I think people will get used to it.
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