Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

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Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by cybereality »

So anyone seen any reviews of the Viewsonic PJD6531w 720P 3D-DLP projector? Their website (" onclick=";return false; ) claims its 3D-Ready but its notoriously absent from Nvidia's supported hardware list. So does this projector work in 3D or not? Otherwise the specs sound really good but that would be one hell of a headache to deal with unsupported hardware (especially with the finicky Nvidia driver). I'm not looking to be the guinea-pig here so anyone know if this beamer is any good?
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by wahim »

A lot of web articles says it is supported by Nvidia, so I got the the projector, it has excellent picture display quality and 3000 lumens brightness, but does not work with any new Nvidia 3D driver, it fails the 3D dispaly compatibility test, switching automatically to not supported 3D native 1280x800 60Hz resolution, even if Windows is setup to suported by projector 1280x720 120Hz 3D resolution. It Looks like ViewSonic did not pay its tribute to Nvidia for certification... :( Known by all Nvida's "Game Plan"
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by cybereality »

Sadly this is what I figured. I'm sorry to hear you got burned. Maybe with the new ATI driver there will be hope for 3rd party shutter support.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by DmitryKo »

The user manual says it supports some unknown "TI 3D DLP-LINK" 3D sync mode which apparently only works through analog VGA. See Where to start? BenQ MP776ST for discussion.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by cybereality »

TI 3D, thats checkerboard right? And DLP-Link is the format to sync the glasses using white light flashes I believe. So I guess the projector could be used with Xpand glasses and iz3D driver.

Also, there is a hack to supposedly get this projector working with Nvidia 3D Vision. It includes pulling some pins to disable EDID and then have the monitor recognized as a generic CRT in which case it will work with the Nvidia glasses.

Posted on Nvidia forums ( ... pic=164029" onclick=";return false; ):
Considering I now have perfect support for the Optoma HD66 with CD1.23 using custom drivers i felt I really should post this basic guide to get it all working. This was all done on an windows 7 x64 system with 2xSLI 8800gt's. I haven't tested this under any other conditions so let me know if it works or not.

Firstly install the newest drivers, both gfx driver and stereo driver. I DIDNT't do a fresh install.

Second pull pins from a dvi-to-vga adapter detailed here ... -edid.html" onclick=";return false;. Your optoma should show as generic non-pnp device in device manager and generic CRT mode should be available in the nvidia stereoscopic control panel after you have pulled these pins. If not you did something wrong. At this point 3d wont work properly in many games due to the 120hz refresh rate and games not recognising it, which is why you need the third step.

Third install this monitor driver to the generic non-pnp monitor (which I created using rivatuner by pulling edid info from the hd66) using device manager in the standard "have disk" etc way. You may need to reboot and reinstall the custom driver a couple of times to get it to stick. It took me two goes. If it has installed correctly the monitor will now display as Optoma EW536 in device manager. You need to reboot after each time you attempt to install it." onclick=";return false;

Fourth, go to nvidia control panel and you can select generic crt and enable stereo.

Fifth, enjoy playing all the latest releases in 3d. Oh, and many of previously non working games like Prince of Persia.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by DmitryKo »

cybereality wrote:TI 3D, thats checkerboard right?
No, it's "TI DLP-Link 3D" :) Such 3D Ready projectors support native full-resolution 120 Hz page flipping trough analog VGA, they don't seem to use checkerboard or HDMI 3D (some don't even feature HDMI ports), and the details of 3D mode are never mentioned in product documentation. These DLP projectors have to be using some proprietary sync method, but it's not clear what software supports this mode, since no-one have been able to test it so far. Hopefully they use "Blue line" sync, which is at least moderately supported...
cybereality wrote:there is a hack to supposedly get this projector working with Nvidia 3D Vision. It includes pulling some pins to disable EDID and then have the monitor recognized as a generic CRT in which case it will work with the Nvidia glasses
Well, looks like Projector Central got around this "certification" even without doing physical damage to the connector; they even claim to be able to run 120 Hz over HDMI, despite that user manual claims no support :shock:
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by fReAq »

Thanks for that info Cybereality!

I got it working using that method :) Now I am very happy with it. - Bad Company 2 in 3d is jawdroppingly awesome!

Now I should figure out how to get the 1280x800 @60hz to work in 3d. It tries to turn on at 70hz so I think that the only reason it doesn't try to turn on at 60hz is because windows reports it as 59hz. There must be a way to spoof that back to 60hz.

Any ideas? :woot
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by fReAq »

I can report that the Viewsonic does do 720p @120hz and therefore 720p 3d :D :D
This is a big visual improvement over 1024x768!
The projector also can do 1280x800 @120hz but the glasses don't synchronise well. I could only do this with powerstrip so it may be that the NVidia driver can't read the forced refresh rate, or it may have something to do with the timing formula as, while the same thing happens at 60hz, it is resolved at 62hz.
I think Ive got to figure out how to edit the inf file to allow 1280x800 @120hz - preliminary efforts have not yet worked.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by fReAq »

No luck yet getting the projector to go 1280x800 @120hz yet.

Im stuck due to needing to create an inf file with an edid override to insert this resolution.

Is there any Optoma HD66 or HD65 owner around who would be so kind as to export their edid info using MonInfo? Just need the moninfo inf file exported, which will include the edid_override section that I can edit.

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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by mourt »

fReAq wrote:No luck yet getting the projector to go 1280x800 @120hz yet.

Im stuck due to needing to create an inf file with an edid override to insert this resolution.

Is there any Optoma HD66 or HD65 owner around who would be so kind as to export their edid info using MonInfo? Just need the moninfo inf file exported, which will include the edid_override section that I can edit.


Hi Freaq,

I have a couple of people who also require a inf file for the acer.

I made the hack for the optoma hd66 on the nvidia boards and created my own inf but I have no access to an acer to do the same with that. If you could email me maybe we could arrange for me to create one for you somehow as I also live in Sydney

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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by peter64 »

Hey Freaq,

So I did the dues and flashed my new projector from a USB stick running windows xp 32 bit :) good times, some how I didn't brick it thank goodness.
I've exported the raw EDID info as well as the summary from moninfo. And I've attached them to this message.

I don't have a 3d vision capable video card so I cannot test if this is fixed, but I did noticed the preferred mode is set to "1280x800 at 60Hz" which isn't going to be 3d capable. However the projector runs great at 1280x720 at 120hz, but it would be even nicer if we could get it running at 1280x800 at 120hz cause it actually stretches the 720p vertically to fill 800p so it won't look right on my 16:9 screen ... grr.

Name = "Preferred display settings"
ID = 12
Type = String(20)
Storage = Specific
Value = "1280x800 at 60Hz"

Let me know what you make of it!

Couldn't attach in this form so I've used rapidshare.. ..." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by mayaman »

According to the nvidia compatibility list, the PJD6531w works with 3D vision. Is this working now?
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by fReAq »

Yep it does work now, but you may need to update the projector firmware first if it hasn't been shipped with the latest.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by mayaman »

How do you like the projector in 3D?
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by smoothy »

that's a pretty sweet projector
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by RAGEdemon »

After a lot of research, i bought this projector on Monday. Fancy my surprise when I saw this thread about the projector 4 days later.

So, here is what i have to say about it. I hope we can continue our discussions regarding this projector, as I believe, with the right modifications, this is the best projector solution on the market right now for the price.

It is indeed on nVidia's list now, and should work with 3D Vision. I also have the 3D Vision glasses, which I will be trying to modify to make it work with the DLP Link in a future project.

Its primary mode, however, is the TI DLP Link, which works with anything as long as there is a page flipping image on the screen. Nothing needs to produce the sync signal as the projector does that itself.

One of the best things about the projector is that it supports the 3D modes over HDMI (DVI to HDMI Cable), instead of only over analogue as with other so called "3D Ready" projectors, which is a big bonus.

It's compatible with the XpanD X102 glasses, but they use a proprietary battery. ViewSonic sell their own 3D glasses which seem to be replicas of the X102s also made by XpanD, but these use the traditional and ubiquitous 2x CR2032 batteries, and are $40 cheaper!

ATi has just released their quad buffered drivers for iZ3D, who will support the 120Hz modes shortly. For now, the alpha "Shutter" Glasses mode in the iZ3D driver works like a treat but for performance issues, and of course, the dreaded sync inversion when the frame rate drops under 120FPS, as it only has access to dual buffers.

This will be a free mode for all ATi owners.

I have been having some problems with it. I have wrote to the manufacturer, who seems to be investigating.

1st problem:
In both the DLP link and 3D Vision 120Hz modes, the picture becomes far darker than the standard non 120Hz modes. It also has a brownish tint. This is hard wired, and seems to be there to cap the brightest spots on the high lumen projector so that ghosting is not too visible. Yes, there is ghosting, like with any shutter solution, some light is bound to seep through, but it is NOT noticeable unless you look for it, and only on the brightest spots on a darkish scene.

The cap in annoying because traditionally, shutter glasses decrease the image brightness, hence all of us 3D lovers wanting the highest lumens possible to try and compensate for the issue. 3000 lumen projector with a brightness cap in 3D is verging on the edge of ridiculousness.

One thing I like about the hard brightness cap filter is that it also uniformly increases the brightness in the darker areas, so that for example, with the glasses on, the blacks look exactly as dark as non 3D modes with the glasses off. Traditionally, we have had to up the gamma settings, and mess about with vibrance as high gamma washed the colours out.

2nd problem:
In the native and advertised 3D mode of 1280x720p at 120Hz, the image is always stretched to fit a 16:10 profile of the native resolution (1280x800), which is VERY noticeable and detracts horribly from the whole S3D experience. There is absolutely no way to change it to 16:9 aspect ratio. Projector menu only allows switching between 16:10 and 4:3 options, there is no 16:9 option.
In the control panel of my 5870 crossfire setup, i can enable GPU scaling and set it to centred timing which does enable me to get a 16:9 aspect ratio, but then I am unable to select the 3D 120Hz modes in any resolution.

I would be grateful if we can somehow work on the 1280x800 120Hz mode in the EDID data so this problem can be solved once and for all. This just seems to be a massive oversight on the part of the manufacturer.

Problem 3
After connecting the projector to my netowrk, I looked up its F/W number which states that it is version 1.02. The one for download is 1.47. I tried to update following the instructions provided but the instructions are wrong in the order in which you have to do things.
Even after you do it in the correct sequence, the projector would also not automatically reboot, and even after the firmware update, the WebUI still shows the F/W as 1.02.
Maybe it did not update, or maybe the projector just reports the wrong firmware.

Problem 4
There is a tint - reddish on the bottom left, working its way towards a bright white to the top right. It seems the optics have not been calibrated, or have come out of calibration during shipping.
This final fault will be the reason I will be returning the projector for a replacement, but if I can't get the aspect issues fixed somehow, I will of course want a full refund, as the projector would be next to useless for my 3D needs.

1024x768 and 800x600 modes work flawlessly at 4:3 aspect ratio however, but if we were satisfied with that, there are plenty of other lower priced, higher lumen and better colour renditioning projectors to be had out there.

Problem 5
Generally, the colours are Meh.
I have had far superior results on all my previous projectors: Compaq MP5100, Benq 720p, Dell 5100MP.

When working though, the S3D is truly jaw dropping. It's such a shame that some technical oversights prevent it from becoming something truly exceptional.

One of the other things I like is that the throw distance is shorter than any other projector that i have come across, minus actual short throw projectors. It means a much larger image in a bedroom than the vast majority of other projectors out there.

I like this projector a lot. I would hate to return it. If we can get the aspect ratio issue fixed, or get 1280x800 working at 120Hz in 3D without artefacts, I would be a happy chappy, and I would highly recommend this projector as the overall best for the price.

On a side note, can someone with the projector please set the screen blanking to "White" and tell me if the brightness and colour is uniform throughout the whole screen? I hope the tint isn't a problem with this model in general. That definitely would be a deal breaker.

-- Shahzad.
Last edited by RAGEdemon on Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by mayaman »

Soooooo you're not recommending it? :p
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by RAGEdemon »

I'm going to reserve my judgement till I have received a reply from the manufacturer and until I have exhausted all practical possibilities for an aspect ratio fix ;-)
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by mayaman »

Did you see my thread on a projector for my dome? Do you think this projector would be ok for that purpose? I'm not using it on a flat 16:9 screen. Any help is appreciated. If you could follow the link in my thread to see what I'll be projecting on.

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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by RAGEdemon »

Unless the dome can correct for the aspect ratio, i doubt it.

The problem isn't a case of the picture not fitting the screen - I don't care about that. In fact, my screen is an oversized 4:3. The problem is that the image is being stretched, which REALLY detracts from the whole 3D experience.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by tritosine5G »

Theres no "blackness" color correction , its just the on off contrast is bad. It goes down to 1000, and brightness to 750 lumen at least on h5360. Too mucho light bleedthru. Worse yet it doesnt seem to be affected by anything, maybe if I cut it down with an iris...

Also, the light cut is no level cap either. This is a sideeffect of time division multiplexing with the DLP chip, the micromirrors dont have enough time accumulate brightness, and you are missing out on DLP color enhancer stuff called brilliantcolor™. ;)

So this is DLP bruteforce 120hz, I think its good tho.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by mayaman »

Are speaking of the h5360 or the pjd6531?
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by tritosine5G »

mayaman wrote:Are speaking of the h5360 or the pjd6531?

these are all the same , firmware is interchangeable...
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by RAGEdemon »

Hi tritosine,

Thank you for the valuable information. I wish we had it at hand before the whole "3D Ready DLP" craze.

So what you are saying is that the loss of brightness and low contrast is a side-effect of brute force 120Hz for something that is designed to only work at 60Hz, and that this will be an issue with all "3D Ready" projectors, at least for the first generation?

Sigh... it's interesting this isn't mentioned in the advertising or in the manuals.

Any ideas on how to at least get the aspect ratio correct?

I read the EDID data from the registry, modified for 120Hz at 1280x800, and made into an inf driver for the monitor. I have also edited the refresh rates in the registry at

2D Driver File Path /REGISTRY/MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/CLASS/{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}/0000

as well as all other places.

And, I have disconnected the HDMI and completely removed pin 7 DDC from the analogue cable.

BUT the ATi CCC CP STILL does NOT allow me to use anything higher than 60Hz at 1280x800.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

-- Shahzad.
Last edited by RAGEdemon on Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by tritosine5G »

I think if you go for very-very high gain screen (curved -> no hotspotting), these 120hz pj's would be very good with hi power LEDs. Contrast would receive quite a boost.

Also I'll trade more than 5500 lumens for better black levels with an iris. I think these darkchip3 pj's can be made very good, especially if less and less light reaches back to the dlp chip,and its "dark" rows between the pixels. 4-5000 contrast is definately possible.. it should be better than the 60hz / 2600 value easily. Brilliantcolor is easy to beat.

Also now I hack this edid thing too, i bought the pj closer to the screen, its easy to focus more light, and to my eyes 120hz became more alike the 60hz version.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by RAGEdemon »

Hi tritosine,

I use a glass bead screen, and i'm comfortable with the little hotspotting.

I'm not sure if LED's are quite at a level to be able to replace 3000 lumen projectors just yet... hopefully sometime in the near future.

I'm afraid i don't know what you mean by "iris".

I think you might be referring to a smoke lens, which will make the blacks much better but also reduce the overall brightness of the screen.

With the glasses on, i'm ok with the contrast, as the blackness of the glasses compensates and makes the image just as dark as non 3D, that is, the glases act as the smoke lens themselves. The problem for, then is the brightness.

But I would live with either if the aspect ratio were somehow fixable, without having to resort to 1024x768 and below at 4:3 :(

-- Shahzad
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by tritosine5G »

I think LED's would be exceptionally good ,because those are pulsed light source.

this is a diy iris, it actually improves on -off contrast, while a smoke foil wont.

remind you , im talkin about a screen with gain of 10 :mrgreen: , I throw away a lot of brightness for better contrast.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by jeeplvr »

I too have the PJD 6531 and I can tell you that after three weeks with Viewsonic tech support and 2 different projectors, that the firmware cannot be flashed with the flashing software Viewsonic uses. The DLP Composer software (made by Texas Instruments) will not recognize the USB driver and cannot axcess the PJ.
I just got another email today from VS saying they are going to take a look at their drivers and software to see if it works with this PJ. After three weeks of messing around they are finally going see if they are the problem....amazing!
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by RAGEdemon »

Hi jeeplvr

That doesn't sound good.

What issues were you having which a firmware update might fix?

This might work for you:
To install the firmware, I used an old XP 32 machine. I followed the instructions until you have to click the "flash loader" tab on the left hand side of the composer window. Don't!

First, get the projector into firmware update mode where the orange lights start to flash. Then connect it to the computer and the drivers will install. (Make sure you have installed the usb drivers before hand as stated in the instructions).

The device will install. If a "new hardware detected" window pops us, just click auto install. Some things won't install.

Now, click on the "flash loader" tab, and you should be able to follow the rest of the instructions and flash your firmware.

BUT, even though the image transfers, installs, and the projector checks for the correct checksum correctly, the projector will NOT automatically reboot, and when you look at the firmware version in the WebUI, it will STILL show the old firmware.

You have been in more contact with them than i have. What have they told you about the aspect ratio and brightness problems? Anything?

-- Shahzad.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by mayaman »

How the hell can companies release hardware with issues like this? I mean it's not just viewsonic. This is the same s@&t for years. You'd think they would get some people who actually use these products like they're meant to be used on their payroll. So sick of this type of garbage.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by cybereality »

Sucks about the aspect ratio problem. That would drive me crazy.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by jeeplvr »

RAGEdemon wrote:Hi jeeplvr

That doesn't sound good.

What issues were you having which a firmware update might fix?

This might work for you:
To install the firmware, I used an old XP 32 machine. I followed the instructions until you have to click the "flash loader" tab on the left hand side of the composer window. Don't!

First, get the projector into firmware update mode where the orange lights start to flash. Then connect it to the computer and the drivers will install. (Make sure you have installed the usb drivers before hand as stated in the instructions).

The device will install. If a "new hardware detected" window pops us, just click auto install. Some things won't install.

Now, click on the "flash loader" tab, and you should be able to follow the rest of the instructions and flash your firmware.

BUT, even though the image transfers, installs, and the projector checks for the correct checksum correctly, the projector will NOT automatically reboot, and when you look at the firmware version in the WebUI, it will STILL show the old firmware.

You have been in more contact with them than i have. What have they told you about the aspect ratio and brightness problems? Anything?

-- Shahzad.

I haven’t talked to them about anything except the flash problem and the Nvidia 3D Vision installation problem.
Seems 3D Vision hardware has to be tricked into thinking the projector is something other than a Viewsonic PJD 6531. There is a hack on the Nvidia user forum. It uses an Optima driver and a VGA/DVI adapter with a couple of pins pulled. Worked like a champ on my system.
I want to flash the firmware to get HDMI 1.4 capable and also because it has become a major challenge. This PJ is supposed to be 100% functional and it isn’t. Out of the box it doesn’t work with Nvidia 3D Vision hardware and it can’t be flashed. Both of which Viewsonic says it is supposed to be able to do.
How do you get the projector ready for flash? You have my curiosity piqued. The” DLP Composer” flash program instructions have you install a new driver called windriv6.sys which replaces the current driver on your system. It also replaces a USB driver to allow the program to access the PJ through the USB port. The DLP Composer program will not find the PJ and gives a USB error. Basically says “it cannot open the USB driver” and “no projector found”.
Viewsonic has had me do all the basic stuff (over and over) including returning the projector and getting a new one. It still doesn’t work. I have used 3 different computers with XP 32 and Vista 32, and Vista 64 as well as 4 different USB cables.
Like I said, we have been working on my problem off and on for weeks now and no results whatsoever through Viewsonic. Flashing the firmware isn’t important enough to me to return the PJ again but it drives me crazy to think there is a problem that Viewsonic themselves can’t solve.
Other than that, the dimming issue at 120 Hz isn’t that big of deal to me. I can adjust the settings of the PJ and the video card and it doesn’t look bad.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by jeeplvr »

mayaman wrote:How the hell can companies release hardware with issues like this? I mean it's not just viewsonic. This is the same s@&t for years. You'd think they would get some people who actually use these products like they're meant to be used on their payroll. So sick of this type of garbage.
You and me both dude.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by RAGEdemon »

Hi jeeplvr,

From the PDF manual:

9. Press and hold the Enter and Power buttons simultaneously on the projector keypad and then plug in the power cord on the projector until the projector Temp LED and Lamp LED are lit up. This indicates that the projector is in the firmware download mode.

It HAS to be in this mode and connected to the computer in XP32 (win7 x64 doesn't work), and the usb drivers installed, BEFORE you click on the flash loader tab. I know the instructions tell you to do it after, but that is wrong. You will get the errors you describe.

Do you not have the aspect ratio problem with your nVidia card?

Also, How did you find out that the latest firmware supports HDMI 1.4, or if they will ever release a firmware which does so?

In my experience, companies don't add features after they are released. They make new models with mainly aesthitic tweaks with an updated mod, in this case HDMI 1.4, and sell it for higher price = higher profit. They don't get any profit from upgrading something they have already sold.

Of course, there is the extremely rare exception to the rule, iZ3D for example ;-)

Thanks for the info,
-- Shahzad.
Windows 11 64-Bit | 12900K @ 5.3GHz | 2080 Ti OC | 32GB 3900MHz CL16 RAM | Optane PCIe SSD RAID-0 | Sound Blaster ZxR | 2x 2000W ButtKicker LFE | nVidia 3D Vision | 3D Projector @ DSR 1600p | HP Reverb G2
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by jeeplvr »

My PDF manual shows nothing of the sort but thanks for the instructions. I had an email from Viewsonic that said part of the firmware update was the HDMI 1.4 upgrade but now I cant find it. I will keep looking tho.
I probably have the aspect ratio problem but I haven't focused on anything but the firmware issue.
My PDF manual mentions firmware two times, once where it points to the USB cable and its function and once where it gives the firmware revision number in the "command and configuration" table. Nowhere does it say anything about holding buttons and firing it up. Where did you get your manual?
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by tritosine5G »

hdmi 1.4 means it d work with ps3?
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by RAGEdemon »

Hi jeeplvr,

I am sorry if I gave the impression that it is the projector manual, although it should be for all intents and purposes.

The manual that I was referring to is the "Composer Firmware Updater Instructions.pdf" which comes included with the Composer firmware Updater zip which contains the composer firmware utility.

It has been 3 days and I have not heard a peep from the engineers or tech support.

So, my review is as follows:

1. Messed up and unfixable aspect ratio in 3D which permanently stretches the image.
2. Firmware cannot be updated even though it should
3. Stereo is less than half the brightness and less than half the contrast ratio of the full lumen brightness, and gives a brown tint on the whole screen.
4. Windows 64-bit drivers do not work
5. Tech support is atrocious, fails to reply, and wholly clueless about S3D features.
6. My box had missing manuals, missing CD, missing 2 cables, and messed up optics where one side of the screen was darker than the other.

This product is the biggest FAIL that I have ever had the misfortune to purchase.

I'll be returning this projector for a refund.

-- Shahzad
Windows 11 64-Bit | 12900K @ 5.3GHz | 2080 Ti OC | 32GB 3900MHz CL16 RAM | Optane PCIe SSD RAID-0 | Sound Blaster ZxR | 2x 2000W ButtKicker LFE | nVidia 3D Vision | 3D Projector @ DSR 1600p | HP Reverb G2
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by mayaman »

Dammit, back to the drawing board. I don't want the optoma GT720 because I can only use DLP LINK Goggles which I don't even know if it will work with my games. I have no idea how dlp link works and what games work with that
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by cybereality »

Sorry to hear that, RAGEdemon. You should certainly get your money back and buy something thats decent.
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Re: Viewsonic PJD6531w, reviews?

Post by tritosine5G »

DLPLink , theres a photodetector in front of the glasses, the sync signal is sent out by the display device in the form of a white flash embedded between the frames.

You wont see this because the glasses block it (preferably), but I'd hate to think its strobing my room with a high gain screen.
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