Ray Tracing Vs Rasterization; Tom's Hardware

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Ray Tracing Vs Rasterization; Tom's Hardware

Post by Silversurfer »


This interesting article has a very loose affiliation with S-3D as the comment by one of the amateur game programmers after the article makes real sense to me, he said:
Another thing is that it does not matter how perfect the engine will become - without viewing the effect in "3D" our brain will know it's "different" and therefore fail to produce "reality".
More "dirty textures" which need a touch of S3-D to help persuade our brains into thinking real world gameplay I we go, I say. :)


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Re: Ray Tracing Vs Rasterization; Tom's Hardware

Post by cybereality »

While 3D does add a lot of realism to a game, there is still a long way to go before a game will look like reality. Ray-tracing or not, you are still limited by the skill of the artists, even assuming we had infinite computing power. HD resoltuions, stereo graphics, they are just window dressing for the inadequacies of the visual artists. I mean, think back to all those old movies you saw on an SD television (not so long ago). They looked pretty friggin real and that was at low res in 2D. Why can't games look that good, I don't know.
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