RE5 Goes 3D For The PC

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3D Angel Eyes (Moderator)
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RE5 Goes 3D For The PC

Post by cybereality »

Finally, a reviewer that gets it. And from the biggest gaming site too!" onclick=";return false;

He starts off immediately distancing it from anaglyph so there is no confusion:
Unlike the old anaglyph 3D format (which some people would recognize as the red and blue glasses that frequently give you a headache after a while of looking through the lenses), the newer stereoscopic lenses are modeled like sunglasses, with a dark tint to the lenses. Without getting into the finer details of 3D technology, players can wear stereoscopic lenses for hours without any of the side effects that older 3D technology produced. It can also be used to produce higher quality 3D images.
Not to ruin the conclusion, but this really makes the review:
With the glasses running around 200 dollars and the bundle of the glasses and monitor running around 600 dollars, it could be pricey, but the visual fidelity of the experience is easily worth every penny.
Comments are still utter trash, but at least it was a positive review.
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