Is the future filmed in 3-D?

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Is the future filmed in 3-D?

Post by cybereality »

As the city teemed with movie stars and celebrity gossip during the Toronto International Film Festival last fall, two powerbrokers of the industry met over dinner to discuss one of Hollywood's most closely guarded secrets: the filming of what may be the biggest movie of all time. ... le1214496/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Is the future filmed in 3-D?

Post by martinlandau »

There is a danger here, do you remember cimino and his "heaven's gate?" Right - who remembers that? ;)

He filmed the deer hunter with deniro and walken and was given an unlimited budget for his next film. Some days the light wouldn't be just right from the clouds so he shut down production for 2 or 3 days til the clouds cleared, it sent his expenditures through the roof. He was accused of bankrupting hollywood and bringing an end to the days of moviemakers with unlimited budgets.

Thinking back offhandedly to my childhood and great movie experiences, star trek 2, aliens, blade runner, tron, star wars, ET, the road warrior, flash gordon, starman, the last starfighter, buckaroo banzai, Dune WOW, I thought how amazing and wonderful this all is and was impressed and excited for the future. Then I grew up and the future came and I look around and think gee, this really is much less than I was hoping for ;)

I would love to see all those movies in s3d. I just can't imagine any movie today affecting me like those did then. s3d or no.
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Re: Is the future filmed in 3-D?

Post by UndeadD3vi1 »

Because the cost of the 3-D lens is only $10,000, the risk is manageable, Mr. Jacob said, particularly since the new, sharper 3-D technology is something most consumers can't get elsewhere.
It costs $10,000 for a Polarised Lense now? Thats a pretty big price hike.
Analysts highlight this as a key benefit. “There is a need to differentiate the theatre experience and 3-D is non-replicable at home,” said Ben Mogil of Thomas Weisel Partners. “We believe that 25 per cent of screens will be 3-D” in the near future.
3D isn't possible in the home? Wow, Neil its time to shut down MTBS as we must all be crazy people who think we are playing games in 3D but really we're not because Ben Mogil as a highly respected analyst clearly knows what he's talking about...
Make up your own opinions, don't believe B.S! Especally when its about a human and spread with the intent of ruing that persons life.

3D is the Future of Viewing Tech, you see in 3D naturally so how can it not be something you want on your screens?!

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Re: Is the future filmed in 3-D?

Post by WheatstoneHolmes »

:D HA HA! :woot :shutter

Hmm guess these cameras aren't really 3D either, they didn't cost $10K.
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