PureDepth ramps up production of "Multi-Layer" 3D displays

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PureDepth ramps up production of "Multi-Layer" 3D displays

Post by yuriythebest »

PureDepth has been talking up its "Multi-Layer" 3D display technology for quite some time now, but it looks like the displays should finally be rolling out en masse, with the company announcing that volume production of its new 12.1-inch displays was slated to begin this week, which follows those first few 20.1-inch displays that wound up in slot machines. For those not up to speed, the displays themselves make use of two LCD screens placed a few inches a part, which lets them display three dimensional images without the need for special glasses and, according to the company, without the headaches often associated with 3D setups. It also looks PureDepth is getting increasingly confident in the technology and its future, and it's now even gone so far as to establish a Japanese arm of the company that it hopes will help it garner a bigger foothold in the country.
http://www.engadget.com/2009/05/22/pure ... -displays/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
http://techon.nikkeibp.co.jp/english/NE ... 21/170470/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

actually this has me intrigued since they mention gamers. will they have their own drivers?? I wonder how they'll do it without glasses. to me looks like a cross between a planar setup and an iz3d
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Re: PureDepth ramps up production of "Multi-Layer" 3D displays

Post by Okta »

I can imagine they would be good for pokey machines. Lol at the comments "is that a vga cable?". Stupid clowns, worried about the type of cable rather than the new display technique, this is what we are up against.
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Re: PureDepth ramps up production of "Multi-Layer" 3D displays

Post by yuriythebest »

hmm seems I misundrestood this technology
youtube explanation:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UOY4kG_CGA" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

rather then conventional seteroscopic 3d where you can get as much depth as you want this system provides just 2 depths- the regular back monitor plus a transparent overlay a few centimeters above. the second screen doesn't polarize the light or make it stereoscopic it's just a regular transparent LCD.
I can see the advantages of this not requiring glasses and stuff, but this now looks like one of those gimmik products, or at least something very cheap. the catch is that it'll probably be expensive :) still, yeah I can see the appeal for casinos and advertisers till autostereoscopic comes down in price
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Re: PureDepth ramps up production of "Multi-Layer" 3D displays

Post by DavidGhast »

This isnt 3d, its just a transparent version of those monochromatic screens that are in really cheap toys, with another screen behind it.
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Re: PureDepth ramps up production of "Multi-Layer" 3D displays

Post by cybereality »

This is like 2.5D at best. It sounds like there are just 2 layers, a front and back. Probably a cool effect for slot machines or advertisements but of no use for games or movies. Basically just a bogus gimmick cashing in on the 3D name.
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Re: PureDepth ramps up production of "Multi-Layer" 3D displays

Post by UndeadD3vi1 »


I wouldn't even go as far as calling it 2.5D tbh.
Make up your own opinions, don't believe B.S! Especally when its about a human and spread with the intent of ruing that persons life.

3D is the Future of Viewing Tech, you see in 3D naturally so how can it not be something you want on your screens?!

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