autostereoscopic lcd 120 hertz 26'' - 32''

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autostereoscopic lcd 120 hertz 26'' - 32''

Post by Dom »

Hi i heard awhile ago through the traips of the www that iz3d has lcd monitors with two separtate panels mashed together to equal out the awesomeness for 3d stereoscopic as an advancement with new polarized glasses. Myself I know the stereoscopic process inside and out, I don't want to ruin it though by writing technical materials. With 3d vision from geforce, Nvidia the glasses are almost military I am guessing since the design blocks out light and ambient non VR. They look very nice gonna get some. What I really am gonna wait for is autostereoscopic lcd that has block'd+ out pixels in as little as two layers grouped into maybe checkerboard fashion in and out. At least this would create depth to a micrometer perspective. If you actually had a cube pixel that fill a whole screen you could actually see behind, side to side, up and down. I don't know the math for more than 2 layered pixels as that would support stereoscopic without glasses. One set of pixels could be 60 hertz and the other set could be 120 herts. 3 sets of 3d pixels weaved would sure add even more. The main point is the dot pitch and the size and resolution.

Anyways I have been wanted to tell you people at MTBS about some incredible 3d systems I have in mind and VR is my middle name. It sure is nice that US customs lets us people in canada get VR Shipped through the mail. I wanted VR since I was a teeenager. Anyways I think it would work easily and please the mind sensation. :o

3DTV is the future in television stereo audio and theatre, Mitsubishi published their recording setup, looks fantastic. One thing to note about camera placement and only use one camera for 3DTV is to use reflectors as a mirror into the camera connected to a dynamic cpu that can separate each reflection-mirror, jeez on a movie set you could have all the reflectors so that the camera crew is gone. Then have matrix camera fluid pause motion with mirror-refector marking. This will also bring me to custom setups as I would like to see too is pathways to select on a blueray disc. With more video information to select point-pathways could be made to user preference. Entertainment is the key, and Profesionalism. True 3d lets users manipulate aspects and choose paths. My System specs In HTML


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Re: autostereoscopic lcd 120 hertz 26'' - 32''

Post by cybereality »

Hey, welcome to the forum. Autostereo sets are cool, but I wouldn't hold my breath for them to go mainstream. Have fun with what we have today.
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