3d Macs!!!!!!!!!!

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3d Macs!!!!!!!!!!

Post by yuriythebest »

right, when we thought that macs were sorta absent from the stereo3d race it turns out it's not quite so:

http://www.apple.com/science/solutions/3dmolecular.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


turns out that you can view some molecular stuff and other 3d models in general by using REAL D StereoGraphics CrystalEyes and a CRT display. Probably this means it will work on a DLP setup as well. So... apple- stereo3d is good but they are offering (a portion of) what PC users had for like what? 10 years now?

The Mac for 3D Molecular Visualization

The powerful combination of the Mac Pro workstation and technologies by NVIDIA and REAL D StereoGraphics allows you to view scientific phenomena in active 3D stereoscope. Graphics take on a new level of realism with the latest PCI Express graphics cards in Mac Pro. With the NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600, the industry’s fastest workstation graphics card, Mac Pro is the ideal solution for scientific stereo-in-a-window viewing.

Third party software applications such as OpenEye Scientific’s VIDA and Delano Scientific’s PyMOL allow visualization of compounds and proteins in a dynamic stereo 3D environment, which you can seamlessly incorporate into your 2D scientific and productivity applications.

Stereoscopic graphics are supported through OpenGL in Mac OS X 10.4.3 or later. The following guidelines are recommended:

* A cathode ray tube (CRT) display capable of a 100Hz vertical refresh rate is required for full-screen and windowed stereo display modes. LCD displays are not supported.

* A graphics card that supports the vigorous demands necessary for stereoscopic 3D graphics must be used, such as an NVidia Quadro FX 4500 (PCI Express) card. Note: The NVIDIA Quadro FX 4500 requires both the 16-lane PCI Express graphics slot and an adjacent PCI Express slot.

* A stereo-enabled application that can use OpenGL stereo functions. You can search for applications here.

* Stereo goggles with a Mini-DIN connector are supported. In the event your video card does not have a VGA output, a DVI-to-VGA adapter can be used.

Stereoscopic graphics have been tested with a PowerPC G5 Quad 2.5GHz computer with optional NVidia Quadro FX 4500 video card installed
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Re: 3d Macs!!!!!!!!!!

Post by budda »


Maybe someone should tell these Mac people about the Red Eye Shutterglasses Method. http://www.mtbs3d.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p ... 879#p10879" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


[1] Firstly, all that technology for CRT S3D is over the top. You can get excellent results with less complicated equipment.

[2] The Red Eye Shutterglasses Method, would really suit high contrast molecular imaging.

[3] The Macs have a useful feature which Windows does not. Greyscale monochrome output. This is ideal for the Red Eye Shutterglasses Method, because no attenuator circuit needs to be used to convert RGB to greyscale. Its all done in the Mac.

[4] And finally the good news, the Red Eye Shutterglasses Method costs nothing to implement. :shock:

Thanks. :wink:
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