anyone have a 360?

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Binocular Vision CONFIRMED!
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anyone have a 360?

Post by Jadentheman »

So look, we fully understand that Hollywood and just about everyone who follows the industry is gravitating towards 3D, but the red flags here are just too bright to ignore. Next3D has just pumped out a completely unbelievable press release claiming that it's oh-so-close to establishing the first in-home 3D distribution service. For starters, it claims to integrate nicely with the Xbox 360, which sounds more than a little suspicious. Next, we're told that "like YouTube, Next3D will offer user-created content channels for stereo enthusiasts to post and share 3D video and still images." Right, because so many consumers have handheld 3D cameras to capture this stuff. Sorry, but the vaporware stamp has officially been slammed.
From engadget
after the bashing it seems you can sign up for a demo is this 3d movie player
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Re: anyone have a 360?

Post by cybereality »

I have to agree that it does sound like vaporware. 3D video on the 360... user generated 3d videos... its just a little too early I'd say. Where are the 3d cameras available to purchase? No where to be found. Unless people will just upload videos on games but that doesn't seem like the point.
Binocular Vision CONFIRMED!
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Re: anyone have a 360?

Post by ssiu »

There are "hobbyist groups" that have been doing S3D photography and S3D video for many years, just like S3D gaming. To the general public they are all invisible niche groups ...

You make S3D video by attaching a beam-splitter to one camcorder, or putting 2 camcorders side-by-side and make them in-sync, etc.

Supposedly Fuji will come out with S3D camera/camcorder (yes with 2 lens) this year ... once modern solutions like that become available the field may increase quickly (again similar to S3D gaming).
One Eyed Hopeful
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Re: anyone have a 360?

Post by Marksanderson »

a viable retort to the Engadget blogger, IMHO...


I wonder how many bogus claims are made this week (between MacWorld and CES) in the form of a press release - and - what does it take to elevate a release above the 1,000s ... to get BS called on upon it?

I guess we're flattered, but still compelled to set the record straight. Next3D is producing a player for the XBOX 360 as well as other DirectX and Open GL paltforms. We use the GPU to decode and checkerboard (among other interlacing techniques) the signal, then squirt it out the HDMI port. In many ways, the XBOX 360 is an easier target that the PC or Mac - as the hardware is 100% consistent across the installed base.

As for the streaming strategy, we'll announce our first rights-holder partners in less than 1 week. They aren't huge studio names out of the gate. But, one is an IMAX film distributor with a fantastic 3D catalog. It will take time to hit critical mass with the online offering - there is a LOT to prove about a home 3D audience to rights holders. We do believe that there is enough inertia that, when combined with the stereo gaming market, a viable audience is worth cultivating.

The proof is in the seeing, and we'll be out on the coast early next month. We also welcome you to our office in Atlanta any time you like. We'd like to show you the player in action. What do you say?
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