Thanks Neil

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One Eyed Hopeful
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Thanks Neil

Post by H4CK3R »

Well I am finnally able to Log into the forums, took alittle while due to a slight bug.. hehe

Anywho, I just wanted tro introduce myself and say thank you to everyone that is helping to make 3D gamign come alive, literally.

I started on this quest about 3 months ago, with the Idea of turning Old school arcade games into 3D, while this hasnt happen completely, it is definatly turnning in the right direction.

I started with usign the ddd = DUMB drivers and software. The product itself I had to modify to keep them from breaking the tabs where the battery connects, and the drivers... WHAT Drivers? LOL

I called them and and I emailed them... the only thing I could gather is that they didn't want to stay in buisness as I never heard back from them.

Anywho.. the IZ3D Drivers did the trick and alittle sodering fixxed the glass's and I am now a happy camper. Here is a Video of my set up.. Since this video I have installed 2 EMS topguns and been playing alot of House of the Dead 3, in 3D. hehe ... =9&t=19254

On a side not I also rebuild/fix broken discarded cabs and donate them to local charity that help runnaway youth's. I am glad to finnaly come to these forums and particapate =)


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Post by yuriythebest »

wow that sure is a nice setup :) but how do you play 2d games in 3d? are those games directX?
Oculus Rift / 3d Sucks - 2D FTW!!!
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Post by H4CK3R »

Most of those games are just 2D games and not in Dir x or Open Gl. But they still POP alittle while playing the arcade games. Other games like House of the Dead 3, Spore, Crysis, Bioshock, CoD4 ( If i can ever get rid of punkbuster...) Look amazing.

Also the Screen Saver Electric Sheep, and Really slick Screen savers look mind blowing. Still tring to fine tune the 3D effect, and I am looking for a Driver for the Media part. the DDD drivers are just crap.

If you ahve any anymore games that look great, or movies please let me know. I'm 36 years old, and I am getting tired of watching spykids, lavagirl, and aliene adventures... LOL


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Post by sharky »

hi there!

metal slug.. awwww i love it.. the best 2D game ever! also house of the death is quite cool!

by the way the new racing game by disney is amazing in 3D... its almost like flatout. a really good hit! the name of the game is PURE.

have fun
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Post by H4CK3R »

Well I played Pure in 3D, it was pretty good, tho I think I might have some issues or learning curve to get things to POP out. I can see things going inward towards the TV, but noting comes out of the screen type effect.

I was wondering, what is the best 3D solution ATM with the a ATI 4870 card, and a 50 Inch Plasma? I don't care too much about the cost, as long as I get the best effects.

Also what would be the best settings for the TV, Checkered? Horz, vertical? Mode 1? mode 2? And with the IZ3D drivers I have beta 1 I believe, is beta 2 better? whats the best output for that driver for my TV? Then there is the question of postioons + and - for the in and out... LOL soo much to learn in such a short time.

I was hoping to get the effects i was watching with Beowolf in Imax in 3D, or like the disney Imax 3D stuff. is that even possable with my current set up?

And a whole new set of questions... What games and movies have the best 3D efffects. I want to show this off to friends and family but I want them to have the best possable experiance so that I can convert them, and withen time take over the world... err I mean win thier hearts over to 3D... LOL

Thanks for your inputs and help in this matter =)

3D Angel Eyes (Moderator)
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Post by sharky »

if you dont care about the money why dont you get yourself a passive projection setup? that one ROX.. its the gold solution, and you can use the iz3d drivers on that one...
Adam Savage: "I reject your reality and substitute it for my own."
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Post by H4CK3R »

I don't have the room for a projection system. One day when I can afford it, Ill hire Real D to come to my house and set me up right... hehe

but on a serious note, I don't mind spending alittle bit of money ( 1k or less ) to get it right, and to truely show off what this system can do. I am in a local motorcycle commenity here in Vegas, we have 3,000 members, and I bring my control box and CPU with me when we do events and charity drives so that pople can enjoy it, and the kids have something to play with while the parents gawk at all the motorcycles, My system brings back alot of memories, and alot of smiles for kids young and old.

When you can go from playing Pac-Man, to playing Bioshock in 3D is shows how much things have changed from 8-bit graphics, to modern day 3D tech. I love being able to put smiles on peoples faces, especially from something I am so admit about. Gaming, Tech, 3D, FUN!!!

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