turn your flash games in stereoscopic 3D

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Cross Eyed!
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turn your flash games in stereoscopic 3D

Post by staticbuddha »

just found this website

I will play with it later to let you know if its any good , but sounds promising :)

http://www.spatialview.com/?q=en/node/357 - There is a free trail as well

reads :

Creative users of Adobe Macromedia Flash® can now enhance their graphics, videos, and animations, transforming ordinary 2D work into unique and convincing stereoscopic presentations. The striking results can be displayed auto-stereoscopically, or output in any stereo format including anaglyph (red/cyan glasses). Impressive 3D presentations can be created, from simple objects to highly complex content, including pre-existing 2D Flash material. It’s easy and hassle-free even for those with no experience in stereo photography.

Panel in Flash.Panel in Flash.

Imagine if your client only requires to have their logo pop out in 3D, instead of spending hours and hours, trying to model, texture, lighting the scene with 3D software, now designer can simply place the 2D logo onto a separate layer from the background in Adobe Macromedia Flash®, and render the file with our plug-in. That is all there to it.

SVI Flash 3D plug-in is a 3D content creating solution deliver high quality result requiring least amount of labour hours, meeting client’s both quality and economical demand.
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