Ghost in the Shell live action movie to be produced in 3D.

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One Eyed Hopeful
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Ghost in the Shell live action movie to be produced in 3D.

Post by Ifandbut »

This is coming a bit late but it's sweet news anyways. According to the upcoming Ghost in the Shell live action movie will be produced in 3D. Steven Spielberg will also be on the project.

"Given that Spielberg is one of the most sought after people in Hollywood, how did Paul get the Oscar winner on the project? "Ghost in the Shell is a passion project of Steven Spielberg's so it really just had to do with that. It's really something that he's been in love with for many years," he explained. "We're going to do it as a 3-D film. So it's something that he's really pushing to help get more theaters built into 3-D using Ghost in the Shell right now as a symbol that you need to get more 3-D theaters.""

This is great news for anyone who likes Ghost in the Shell, even better that it will be made in 3D from the start.
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Post by yuriythebest »

awesome! I enjoyed watching all the ghost in the shell episodes and movies so this will rule. Hopefully it will come out on dvd as well.
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