Holograms May Make 3D Video a Reality

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Holograms May Make 3D Video a Reality

Post by Silversurfer »

Digital life is reporting a breakthrough in holographic technology today for the near future.

The article is here:http://blog.nj.com/digitallife/2008/07/ ... nolog.html

But for those too lazy (like myself :-)) to hit the link here is the small article below:


"Posted by J. Scott Orr July 21, 2008 10:31AM

Forget hi-def TV. That technology is as old as the internet.
The next generation of digital entertainment could bring entertainers into your living room as full-sized 3D holograms, bring cell phone voicemails to life with tiny images of callers or bring you face-to-face with Super Mario himself.

It's an exciting time for physicists and other researchers who have spent decades trying to expand the applications of holography, the creation and manipulation of 3D images made by bouncing laser light around.

Last month, a team of researchers at the University of Arizona unveiled a critical breakthrough toward the elusive goal of holographic video, developing a technology that allows holograms to be rewritable for the first time. This allows 3D images to be changed many times per second, just like the frames in a movie.

Nasser Peyghambarian, chairman of photonics and lasers at Arizona University, said the rewritable holographic technology his team developed is the first step toward video applications for holograms.

"It is not yet suitable for 3D movies, but I believe we will be able to get to that capability," he said, adding that holographic video would require the image to be rewritten 50 times per second or so, while the current technology allows rewrites at a pace of only about one per minute."

I'm loving the image illustration, it really conveys the theme of holography moving into video. Having worked in the IT Department of an advertising agency I suppose I'm a sucker for the unwritten rule that "A picture is worth a thousand words", what do you think?
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Post by yuriythebest »

nice to know something new is being developed somewhere. I guess unless I am misinterpreting that short article the advantage is that it can be viewed from any angle, even from the back. However, I have trouble understanding how this will fake large inward distances the way 3d monitors do, and think and will only be useful for displaying advertisements, separate 3d models, be used in briefings for scifi SWAT teams to display building wireframes, etc, etc.. then again I haven't even seen a video of this thing in action so it's very hard to provide an reasonable opinion on this matter- just like other ppl say "oh you are into stereoscopic 3d? you mean those red and blue glasses?".
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Post by cybereality »

Yeah, I read about their work last month, interesting stuff. These are true holographic images, not stereoscopic hacks. So the technology is still very early. I've done some work with holography at school and it is really amazing technology. Holograms can be viewed from any angle that the plane is visible (so generally 180 degrees, not from the back). But within those 180 degrees you have access to *every* single possible viewing angle at a theoretically infinite resolution. You can break a hologram into a thousand pieces and each piece will retain all angles from the original image. Amazing stuff.

They can capture far distances, but its limited by the apparatus used to capture the image. You have to understand that a hologram is a volumetric representation. So you don't get the weird discomfort you do with badly authored S3D. Current technology limits what scenes can be photographed, but theoretically it can be *much* better quality then anything we have now. However we are very far from that point. They are just learning how to do video. When I was studying I think 5 frames of animation was cutting-edge. So this is an accomplishment. But its still monochrome, not in real-time, no portable camera, and certainly not affordable. Maybe in 10-15 years they could get something worth putting in a living room.

But holography is the future. Believe me when I say this. The next-generation of computers will be based on holographic principles, it is going to be very big probably in the next 10 years.
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