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Multiple Toggles in a script. Possible?

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 5:20 pm
by andreaspada
Sorry to bother you, guys... today I got some time so I'm trying to understand better what can I do with FreePIE.

I need to implement two toggles in my script, one which alternate from an auto-centering or not-auto-centering mouse, the other which copy my mouse movements to another vJoy.
So far, I have the first one as this:

Code: Select all

# toggle relative mouse

toggle = keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftShift) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.Space)

if toggle:
    enabled = not enabled

# relative mouse (auto centering when idle)

if (enabled):
	a += mouse.deltaX
	b += mouse.deltaX
	if filters.stopWatch(True,600):
		c = a + 0
	if filters.stopWatch(True,30):
		d = b + 0

	if (c - d == 0):
		if mx < -500:
			mx += rm_speed
		elif mx > 500:
			mx -= rm_speed
		if my < -500:
			my += rm_speed
		elif my > 500:
			my -= rm_speed
How can I define a second toggle without mess with the already functional?

Re: Multiple Toggles in a script. Possible?

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 5:25 pm
by andreaspada
Something i do not understand is why the following code do not work:

Code: Select all

# Switch HeadLook with mouse
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftShift) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.W):
	vJoy[2].x = mx
	vJoy[2].y = my
	vJoy[2].x = kx
	vJoy[2].y = ky
I already implemented many switches like that and all of them works...

Re: Multiple Toggles in a script. Possible?

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 6:12 pm
by Commander89
So is this a code to autocenter the mouse, it's actually what i'm looking for (made a topic about it a few days ago)

Anyway I think this is the same problem as in your other post, for some reason 'if' statements don't work if you press a key and then want an action to be followed by something that is connected through freepie, like a joystick. It does seem to work for the other way around though, like if you press a button on the joystick and then want the mouse to do something.

As for the toggle, wouldn't it be possible make a variable called secondtoggle, toggle seems to be variable since it isn't in the command list . Or make some sort of different loop (like I said, all very new at this stuff)

If I may ask , if I would want to autocenter the mouse without the idle timer any idea what I would need to write?

Re: Multiple Toggles in a script. Possible?

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 9:49 pm
by andreaspada
Well, my script currently has three mode of mouse centering:

Hard centering, Auto-centering and, something I'm very proud of, a smart-centering when the cursor is near the center.

My mouse is defined this way:

Code: Select all

if starting:
	relativemouse = True
	max  	 =  Int16.MaxValue*0.5+2
	min   	 = -Int16.MaxValue*0.5+1
	mx     	 = 0
	my     	 = 0
	a		 = 0
	b		 = 0
	c		 = 0
	d		 = 0
 	sensitivity = 35
	speed = 10							# auto-centering speed
	pradius = 1200						        # auto-centering radius
	nradius = pradius - (pradius *2)	                        # negative range radius, self defined
	rm_speed = 250						# relative mouse speed

# pitch
my += mouse.deltaY * sensitivity
# yaw
mx += mouse.deltaX * sensitivity
Than, here are the three implementations I use:

Code: Select all

# Manual centering
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl): 
  mx = 0
  my = 0

# Smart-centering when the mouse is close to the center, inside a predefined radius
if (mx < pradius) and (mx > 0):
	mx = mx - speed
elif (mx > nradius) and (mx < 0):
	mx = mx + speed

if (my < pradius) and (my > 0):
	my = my - speed
elif (my > nradius) and (my < 0):
	my = my + speed

# toggle relative mouse

toggle = keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftShift) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.Space)

if toggle:
    relativemouse = not relativemouse

# relative mouse (auto centering when idle)

if (relativemouse):
	a += mouse.deltaX
	b += mouse.deltaX
	if filters.stopWatch(True,600):
		c = a + 0
	if filters.stopWatch(True,30):
		d = b + 0

	if (c - d == 0):
		if mx < -500:
			mx += rm_speed
		elif mx > 500:
			mx -= rm_speed
		if my < -500:
			my += rm_speed
		elif my > 500:
			my -= rm_speed

# Mouse to vJoy

vJoy[1].x = filters.deadband(mx, 10)
vJoy[1].y = filters.deadband(my, 10)
Hope this helps!

Re: Multiple Toggles in a script. Possible?

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 10:04 pm
by Commander89
many thanks, I have been begging the internet for this

Tomorrow I'll try to wrap my head around it:)

and good luck in elite dangerous, I've been playing that a lot when it released but I can't stomach it in VR

Re: Multiple Toggles in a script. Possible?

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 10:11 pm
by andreaspada
Thanks to you too, you are welcome!

Here it is my current full script, for references:

Code: Select all

from System import Int16

if starting:
	system.threadExecutionInterval = 5 # loop delay
	relativemouse = True
	headlook = False
	joystick[0].setRange(0, 2048)
	max  	 =  Int16.MaxValue*0.5+2
	min   	 = -Int16.MaxValue*0.5+1
	mx     	 = 0
	my     	 = 0
	jx		 = 0
	jy		 = 0
	kx		 = 0
	ky		 = 0
	hx		 = 0
	hy		 = 0
	hmx		 = 0
	hmy		 = 0
	a		 = 0
	b		 = 0
	c		 = 0
	d		 = 0
 	sensitivity = 35
	speed = 10							# auto-centering speed
	pradius = 1200						# auto-centering radius
	nradius = pradius - (pradius *2)	# negative range radius
	rm_speed = 250						# relative mouse speed
# Mouse setup	

# pitch
my += mouse.deltaY * sensitivity
# yaw
mx += mouse.deltaX * sensitivity

if (mx > max):
  mx = max
elif (mx < min):
  mx = min

if (my > max):
  my = max
elif (my < min):
  my = min

# Manual centering
# Useful when switching virtual desktops

if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl): 
  mx = 0
  my = 0

# Auto-centering if close to the center

if (mx < pradius) and (mx > 0):
	mx = mx - speed
elif (mx > nradius) and (mx < 0):
	mx = mx + speed

if (my < pradius) and (my > 0):
	my = my - speed
elif (my > nradius) and (my < 0):
	my = my + speed

# toggle relative mouse

toggle = keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftShift) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.Space)

if toggle:
    relativemouse = not relativemouse

# relative mouse (auto centering when idle)

if (relativemouse):
	a += mouse.deltaX
	b += mouse.deltaX
	if filters.stopWatch(True,600):
		c = a + 0
	if filters.stopWatch(True,30):
		d = b + 0

	if (c - d == 0):
		if mx < -500:
			mx += rm_speed
		elif mx > 500:
			mx -= rm_speed
		if my < -500:
			my += rm_speed
		elif my > 500:
			my -= rm_speed

# Mouse to vJoy

vJoy[1].x = filters.deadband(mx, 10)
vJoy[1].y = filters.deadband(my, 10)

# G13 Joystick

# Apply curves to axis
jx = Roll.getY(joystick[0].x)
jy = joystick[0].y

#vJoy[0].x = filters.mapRange(jx, 0, 2048, -Int16.MaxValue, Int16.MaxValue)
#vJoy[0].y = filters.mapRange(jy, 0, 2048, -Int16.MaxValue, Int16.MaxValue)
vJoy[0].x = jx
vJoy[0].y = jy

# Keyboard to Joystick
# For Headlook movements and macros

if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.NumberPad5):
	kx = 0
	ky = 0

# Directional movements, with small increments
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.NumberPad4): # left
	kx = kx -2000
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.NumberPad6): # right
	kx = kx +2000
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.NumberPad2): # down
	ky = ky -2000
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.NumberPad8): # up
	ky = ky +2000
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.NumberPad1): # left/down
	keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.setPressed(Key.NumberPad4)
	keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.setPressed(Key.NumberPad2)
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.NumberPad7): # left/up
	keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.setPressed(Key.NumberPad4)
	keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.setPressed(Key.NumberPad8)
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.NumberPad3): # right/down
	keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.setPressed(Key.NumberPad6)
	keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.setPressed(Key.NumberPad2)
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.NumberPad9): # right/up
	keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.setPressed(Key.NumberPad6)
	keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl) and keyboard.setPressed(Key.NumberPad8)

# Panel shows up and close when keys releases
# Target panel
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftShift) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.A): # Target Panel
	kx = -12500
	ky = -2100
if keyboard.getKeyUp(Key.LeftShift) and (kx == -12500):
	kx = 0
	ky = 0

# System panel
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftShift) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.D): # System Panel
	kx = 12500
	ky = -2100
if keyboard.getKeyUp(Key.LeftShift) and (kx == 12500):
	kx = 0
	ky = 0

# Role panel
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftShift) and keyboard.getPressed(Key.S): # Role Panel
	kx = 0
	ky = -11500
if keyboard.getKeyUp(Key.LeftShift) and (ky == -11500):
	kx = 0
	ky = 0

# Filtering the headlook axis

hx = filters.deadband((mx / 3), 20) 
hy = filters.deadband((filters.mapRange((my / 3), -100, 100, 100, -100)), 20)

# Momentary switch for Mouse HeadLook

if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftShift) and keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.W):
	#headlook = not headlook
	vJoy[2].x = hx
	vJoy[2].y = hy
	vJoy[2].x = kx
	vJoy[2].y = ky

# toggle Mouse Headlook

#toggle = joystick[0].getPressed(0)

#if toggle:
#	headlook = not headlook
#	vJoy[2].x = kx
#	vJoy[2].y = ky

#if (headlook):
#	headlook = headlook
#	vJoy[2].x = (hx / 2)
#	vJoy[2].y = (hy / 2)

# Debug informations

# Joystick[0].x)[0].y)

# Mouse[1].x)[1].y)

# Keyboard[2].x)[2].y)

# Headlooks

# Toggles

All the best!

Re: Multiple Toggles in a script. Possible?

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 1:24 am
by FrenchyKiel

Re: Multiple Toggles in a script. Possible?

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 4:10 am
by Bluedeath
i don't know if this has been answered but "toggle" is just a defined variable as long as you use different names (for instance: toggle_mousetoJystick or toggle_haedtracking) and the correct if cycle after them. you can have as many as you want